β‘£ (2023.04.10)


Good morning.

I’m Endo Riko, a 17 years old 2nd year high school student from Saitama.




Thank you for opening my blog.





I tried doing my hair in twin-tail.

How is it…?




I always had my hair in twin-tail up until 3rd grade of elementary school, but I somehow started to become shy about it and have been avoiding it since then.




Is there also anyone that has gone through a rebellion phase toward twin-tail…?






Lately, the time has been flying by fast.




While I was wondering what I should write for my next blog, without realizing it, the day where I’m in charge of writing a blog has come.




The cherry blossoms that were in full bloom on the last blog are now fluttering down.



It’s so sad…



I look forward to watching the full bloom cherry blossoms again with everyone next year. 🌸






οΌ»4th HinatansaiοΌ½



The other day I got the chance to visit the 4th Hinatasai.




I was shocked that the fans filled up the really huge venue from one end to the other.



The performance that’s overflowing with smiles is really amazing, the ohisamas are also smiling and really enjoying it, it also made me feel really happy.




Being able to make that many people smile, once again I realized that “Idol” job is really amazing.


I also wanted to be an idol that can make people smile and give them courage☺︎




Thank you for such an amazing time.






οΌ»My first tourοΌ½


Though the other day I have just been struck with Hinatansai, finally the day after tomorrow is the first day of the tour.



Since it’s my first tour, I’m feeling really nervous.



Though I still have a lot of parts that I’m lacking in, I will study a lot from this tour, and do my best to improve myself even more. πŸ’ͺ




(↑The picture that was taken during the rehearsal for the tour.)


Just like written on Itoha’s blog, lately, we’ve been practicing together a lot.





Since I’m slow at remembering the choreography, Itoha would often teach me, and she is teaching me without ever once showing a face of displease.

She is really kind.



And then when I managed to do it, she would be happy too for me and would praise me.




She praised me so much to the point I wonder if she is older than me, even though my school year is older than hers by one year. πŸ˜₯



That’s really pathetic, isn’t it… lol





By the way!

The details for the 3rd Tour 2023 have been posted~β™ͺ


The merchs is one of the things to look up to for concerts, right? ☺︎


Each of the merchs is really pretty, it made me want them all. 🀭






οΌ»About the 3rd gensβ‘’οΌ½



The 3rd gens member introduction is finally on the last turn.



I wrote it while thinking it’d be nice if you guys can know a lot of the 3rd gens sides, how was it~? ✍️




When I’m thinking about the 3rd gens, it made me want to write a lot about them, I wrote it while holding back not writing it too long. 🀭






Itoha is very pure, kind, and funny.

Though on Meet and Greet’s fixed camera and “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” she looked like an easy-to-laugh person and a crybaby, she is a really pure and kind kid that would be happy together over other’s success. ☺︎





Yu-chan is honest and kind.

During the training period, she would teach me about dancing a lot. and also a lot of other things. She also helped me with many other things, and I’m saved by Yu-chan’s natural kindness every day~ ☺︎

Also, even though she has such a slender body, she actually eats a lot. 🀭

She would take more time than most people when deciding what menu to order.





Miu is diligent and a stoic person.

Be it dancing practice or singing, etc. She would practice a lot until she was satisfied with it.

I respect her…

I would always get inspiration from the stoic Miu, and it made me can think to do my best. ☺︎





Shiichan is very full of emotion and humble.

She’s such a kind-hearted person that she would cry over thinking of others’ feelings, but lately, Shii-chan hasn’t been crying in front of people. I also love Shii-chan who is a crybaby.

Nagi-chan has said this already, but I’m also a fan of Shii-chan. She’s very attractive, isn’t she~☺︎





The 3rd gens is filled with kind, cute, and amazing girls.





The blog this time will end here!

Thank you for reading until the end! ☺︎



Tomorrow is Reina-chan!

I also often do dance practice together with Reina-chan. ☺︎



Please look forward to the next blog too~

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