Thank you for opening my blog
I’m Sakurazaka46’s Masumoto Kira
I’m going to continue recovering for a little while longer,
but I’m feeling totally fine!
Sorry for worrying you all.
This photo is from a recent meet & greet day
it hasn’t been posted yet so here ya go!
We can be together for a little while longer
so I’ll be sure to take lots of photos📸
There’s been a major incident🚨
Despite telling her “Make a heart with me”
as I took the photo…🥲🥲
misheard me and thought I said
“Let’s show our teeth”🤣🤣 (tln: haato shimashou vs ha, dashimashou)
This time we properly did a heart!
I want to see everyone soon🥳
Keep taking care of yourselves…!
Thank you for reading until the end
Masumoto Kira (Kirako)
Translator: fuyupz
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/45323?ima=4309&cd=blog