July (2021.07.05)

Thank you very much for opening this blog

I‘m Sakurazaka46’s Masumoto Kira

Sorry I’m late 😢
It’s the rainy reason and the days have been getting gloomy
Please watch your step😌
At last, this weekend
“W-KEYAKI FES. 2021”
Will be held!
Its my first outdoor live, I’m really looking forward to it (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
During the rehearsals for it

A lonely, well-behaved, cute person was clinging onto my leg
Charm Point, the person haven’t looked up yet 😍

And then, she pulled my leg to her body and looks up
🐶🐶 Additional points

Finally, she tightly hugged my leg
My maternal instincts kicked in~
The other day,
Koike-san told me, “I like Kira-chan’s dance in Sore ga Ai Nano ne~”
I was really really happy (hearing it)~
For me, I like Koike-san’s HanshinHangi
Thank you for reading until the end

Masumoto Kira (Kirako)

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