Untitled (2023.04.15)

The two days of Sakurazaka46’s “3rd TOUR 2023” Tokyo performance have been successfully complete👏✨


Thank you so much to the Buddies that came on the 2nd day!!


I feel like your voices were even louder than they were on the first day☺️💛


For me personally, I’ve been more nervous and anxious than excited for this live. I was a shell of myself after the 2nd day’s performance was over🫠And it’s only just started~!


I’ve been an idol for 8 years, but thanks to my energetic, diligent, and hardworking juniors, I’ve been able to challenge more and more powerful lives without stopping. I’m truly blessed and very grateful to be one of the members in these performances🌼





Rika did the backstage narration with me before the start of the show!

We were able to talk a bit🫶






Kira-chan and I had symmetrical positions in “Munen”~






Blunoue~🔵She was eating rice with pickled plum, it was so cute🍚

(t/n: Blue = Aoi, AoInoue)




Konnagi approached me to take a photo together, but for some reason it didn’t save to her phone… naenagi… 😭
Let’s definitely take another pic together~!!

(t/n: i dont feel like trying to translate so ill just explain
it’s naeru (萎える) i.e to lose strength/determination
+ nagi




And also, thank you so much to all the fans that sent flowers💐♡



Thank you for the colorful flowers☺︎♡





Yellow flowers are cute!
Thank you😌





Thank you as always ╥╥
They’re so beautiful💦





Thank you everyone♡
The drawing makes me happy too ><







Also, it was announced during the 2nd day of our Tokyo performance, but Sakurazaka46’s “3rd ANNIVERSARY LIVE” will be held at ZOZO Marine Stadium on November 25th (Saturday) and 26th (Sunday)🎂🌊✨


I’ll be looking forward to making memories with Buddies at such a big, big stadium😆💗


I think the tour we’re going on right now is connected to this ANNIVERSARY LIVE, so I’ll continue to work hard✊


If you’re coming to one of the upcoming tour dates, please look forward to it~




And with that, see ya later~!





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