☺︎ (2022.05.27)




The other day
It was “Watanabe Risa’s Graduation Concert” ☺︎



To everyone who watched the stream,
and everyone who came down to the venue,
thank you very much.







During this period especially
it feels like we were together a lot



It made me realize that
I love and cherish her
even more than I thought.












To be able to send her off in this way,
it really fills me with happiness ☺️



From beginning to end
the venue felt like I was being enveloped in a warm and gentle space



“It must be because Risa’s warmth and kindness
is being conveyed to so many people…”
that’s what I felt ☺️








Risa, thank you so much for all your hard work☺️



When I was anxious、
you told me many times, “It’s alright!”, “You can do it!”
Thank you.



Risa’s words were really uplifting
and they’ve saved me countless times.



From the bottom of my heart
Thank you.



From here onwards
may Risa be filled with lots of happiness



Let’s meet up with everyone together once in a while, okay☺︎






I love you ーー






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