☺︎ (2023.06.28)

Good evening ☺︎


I’m sorry for not updating the blog
in such a long time.


Our 6th single “Start Over!”
was released today ☺︎


It has become a single that is completely full of Sakurazaka’s charms,
therefore, I would like to do my absolute best
so that it can reach as many people as possible ☺︎



☺︎ (2023.06.28)








This Inori with a smiling face is so cute ☺︎



In the “EX Taishu” magazine that was released a few days ago,
the 1st generation members were featured
in the front cover and the initial pages.


I think this is the first time that we had a photo shooting with
only the 1st generation members since we became Sakurazaka?


Because they have always been by my side for a long time,
doing a photo shooting together with these people
who are so important to me and really make me feel reassured,
from the bottom of my heart, I felt that every moment was a fun time ☺︎








Even the interviews were extremely deep, meaningful and fun.
We had the opportunity to talk about many different things,
so it would make me happy if you could check it out ☺︎


This was a day that made me feel happy once again
for having met everyone ☺︎






Recently, whenever I have some time when I’m at home,
I’ve been spending time making cakes ‪‪☺︎


I tried making a Weekend Citron Cake before
and it turned out well,
so I prepared it when my mom came to visit.



It made me happy that she liked it so much.
It’s hard to tell if people would be happy to eat something handmade,
but it does have a nice and warm feeling to it~

Maybe I’ll try baking some cookies next time.


I think I’m getting addicted to making sweets! 🍪


I want to share some of the behind-the-scenes photos,
so from now on, I will try to update the blog
with more of a journal kind of approach ‪‪☺︎


Well then.




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