1st September Odakura Reina (2023.09.01)



It’s 1st of September, huh? Have you all been able to stay healthy without worrying too much?


Cheers to you, who worked so hard




My earphones, still tangled from the beginning of summer, naturally make me look down
Listening to the music that plays in my ears
makes me lose track of the changing seasons

How long was I looking down for?
When I raised my head, it was already autumn



It’s Odakura Reina.



Summer sure passes by so quickly, doesn’t it?
Did you get to do everything you wanted to do?


I wrote before that I don’t like summer,
Autumn is a little worse than summer for me because it seems like every memory is during sunset.


Ah, but I like sweet potatoes so I might be fine with autumn.

I especially like Osatsu snack and often eat it with chopsticks.
[t/n: Calbee’s product]

Since it’s autumn, please eat lots of delicious food or food that you like, okay?






Seventeen Natsu no Gakuen-sai 2023

I injured my lower back, and after consulting with a doctor, it’s been decided that I should take a rest.
I feel truly frustrated about it.

And more than anything, I feel truly sorry to everyone who has been looking forward to it.


I’m sorry.


I can stand, walk, and run just fine now so please don’t be worried.


The next time I have an opportunity to perform in front of everyone, I’d like to put these feelings into it and do my best.





Thank you very much for meet & greet!

I was happy to be able to meet Airi and Yu’s fans too. I was kinda nervous about it lol


The next one is on 3rd September. The day after tomorrow, I guess?

I’m really excited and look forward to it.



Miu took this picture
on our way home after the meet & greet on 26th August

While I wasn’t able to go visit a festival with Miu,
we plan to go eat sweet potato ice cream together


In the picture I used for the September greeting card
I’m the one in the front, Miu is the one in the back.



My bangs grew





Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?

It’s a controversial imitation of Ayase Haruka-san, but I merely did it because my brother likes it.

When I got home, I got angry and asked him, “The heck did you write?!”, then he bought me some sweets.

I just barely forgave him.



As for kickboxing, the class actually has “kickboxing” written at the front, you see… I did think that we didn’t actually do much “kick”ing though…


Please forgive me.
I’ll buy you as many sweets as you want…





The flowers I received from all of you
during real meet & greet




Once again, thank you very much for the beautiful flowers.

Seeing the flowers I received, so many I couldn’t hold them all,
makes me realize how loved I am.

There are flowers that I couldn’t take pictures of or take pictures with, but I’ve seen them all. Thank you very much.


All of your thoughts have been conveyed to me
and each of them is a precious treasure of mine.


I hope that my thoughts can reach you too.


I love you~~!






I’m listening to Wakamono no Subete / by Fujifabric-san.

It’s a song that I want to listen to at the end of every August
A beloved song of mine
A song that I like to listen to alone


I came to realize that for me, “my favorite song is my favorite voice”


I’ve heard that sounds are the first to disappear from your memory, but why are there some voices that are unforgettable?


It seems that each person has their own reason.





2023/8/30 am4:41 Tokyo’s sky
I was able to take a picture of the Orion constellation when the sky was in twilight

Thanks to my camera, it makes nights where I find it difficult to sleep not so painful anymore.

I can even see stars that can’t be seen from the window
a little more clearly


I think I’ll be able to work a little harder today
I’d like to share it with you all too


I don’t know when will it start,
but I’ll send it to you as soon as we get mobame.




That’s right,
There was a Super Blue Moon on 8/31, wasn’t there?

It was so beautiful.
Did you all see it too?
[t/n: no bc it was raining here that night ;~; -pz] 
[t/n: it was cloudy here too 😭 -tmi]

Apparently, it’s called a “blue moon” because it’s the second full moon in August. And what’s more, it’s a supermoon, when the moon is closest to Earth and appears larger.
[t/n: the two occur simultaneously approximately once every 10 years or so; the next one will occur in 2037]


It’s so mysterious~





I hope to be the brightest star in your heart 💫
This was Odakura Reina!



Tomorrow is Nagi’s
I feel like Nagi is often sitting next to me whenever we’re taking a ride somewhere. I really like her because she lets me eat ramen and stuff inside the car.



See ya!



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