Thank you very much for opening this blog!
I’m 22 years old Endo Hikari from Kanagawa!
Thank you very much to those of you who watched “Purebato!! Winter’s 3 Hours Special”!
Ever since I was told about it, I practiced little by little every day, and even practiced in my yard using a spray I had purchased 💦
The time I spent working on this project makes every day so exciting, that I was so absorbed in it I even forgot to go to sleep🎨
I am grateful that on the day of the production, so many staff watched over me for a really long time. Thank you very much.
And I received so many things from the people at the marketplace, their warmth touched me and cheered me up so much!
On the other day, I made kushiyaki out of Koshigaya green onions that I received and ate it!
It was delicious~ 😋
Thank you very much!
Gaaya-chan (T/N: Koshigaya’s mascot)
This time I appeared not only on location shoot, but also on studio.
The other casts were very warm and friendly, it made me feel very comfortable and I was able to talk about my work.☺️
I already feel greatly honored just from having my name called by Hamada-san ✨
I am very happy to be able to be told “You got talent” while being among those who have appeared in Purebato!! many times before! ✨
The next time I’m invited, I will be aiming for number one! I’d like to polish my skills for that day 💪
The work is put on display in Koshigaya Ichiba!
It is right now being affected by the spread of COVID, but I’d be happy if you many people could come and take pictures with it when things have calmed down 📸
Try to take pictures in front of the gate like this, okay? 📸
I hope that you could discover another new side of me from this
Thank you very much for reading my blog today ☺︎
I’d be happy if you could read my next blog as well!
Well then!
Hikari 💜🦋
Translator: toomuchidea
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