Announcements! (2023.10.19)




Good evening. It’s only been a day since I last posted ^_^







I have announcementsーー!!!




The deadline for the first round of applications for the real meet & greet is today at 23:59!


The well-known, very much fun Yuuzu meet & greet will be held in real life, it’s guaranteed to be fun!




The deadline for the first round of applications for my first time being in a pair lane with Matsuda-san for the online meet & greet is also today at 23:59!


This pairing is the happy x happy = happy happy pair. This is the bestー!!! It’s definitely gotta be fun.

I’m happy to be paired with Matsuda-san.




I’ll definitely send happiness to everyone who comes ☺︎ I’ll be waiting ♡






Yuuzu has been running through the dizzyingly hectic days lately. These days are full of excitement, and there are so many photos and stories I want to share with everyone, but I can’t keep up…


I’ll write blog posts full of content again next time, so please look forward to itー



I’m making sure that I don’t forget to post announcements like this! But I might forget sometimes, so I would appreciate it if everyone could check the information posted by the official group account…!













I will appear with Rei-san and Kira-san on “AWA LOUNGE” at 22:30 tonight U^ェ^U


Let’s listen to the songs from the 7th single together with us 🎧


I can’t wait






Wishing you all the best 🌻




See you



From Yuuzu

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