2nd Generation

#147 🐠🩵 (2024.07.26)

Thank you very much for opening my blog. Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Endo Hikari   ゚+。::゚。:.゚。+。。+.:゚。:.゚。+。。+.。゚:;。+゚+。:   Hello 🌻   It’s been so hot every day, makes you feel like melting, right? 😓   Please make sure to get plenty of water and sodium.   ゚+。::゚。:.゚。+。。+.:゚。:.゚。+。。+.。゚:;。+゚+。:   And, recently, I’ve been able to meet someone […]

#147 🐠🩵 (2024.07.26) Read More »

Moon (2024.07.06)

              Tomorrow from 16:55 Please watch~   Nippon TV’s “Sunday PUSH Sports”         There will be meet & greet sessions too ^ ‪^     Let’s talk~ let’s talk~             She got so embarrassed that she ended up averting her eyes

Moon (2024.07.06) Read More »

Untitled (2024.07.24)

        Using rock or paper to decide how to split up in the hotel rooms         Wondering what you’ll use while thinking you’ll do the same If you’ll use rock if you’ll use paper Those days when my heart was racing while playing is nostalgic        

Untitled (2024.07.24) Read More »

#146 My first Sakurazaka Channel appearance 🐶 (2024.7.24)

Thank you very much for opening my blog.   I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Endo Hikari.   ゚+。::゚。:.゚。+。。+.:゚。:.゚。+。。+.。゚:;。+゚+。:   In the “[My family grown bigger] Koike Minami became a mother of three dogs! Dreaming of a sports festival!” that was released yesterday,   I appeared with Miichan, Riko-chan, and Miichan’s dogs~ 🐶 Excluding the new

#146 My first Sakurazaka Channel appearance 🐶 (2024.7.24) Read More »

9th Single (2024.06.30)

Hello everyone I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Morita Hikaru 🌱          Sakurazaka46’s 9th single,  ‘Jigoujitoku’ has been released last 6/26 (Wed)!    Thank you to everyone  who picked up a copy!   I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude  as I feel the feelings of Buddies…!   We’ll do our

9th Single (2024.06.30) Read More »