Itoha has been living every day in high spirits. Feeling good every day! At full power! mukai itoha (2023.07.02)









Thank you for opening my blog.



I   a m   M u k a i   I t o h a   f r o m   H i r o s h i m a   P r e f e c t u r e ,

I ’ m   1 7   y e a r s   o l d   a n d   i n   m y   2 n d   y e a r   o f   h i g h   s c h o o l .







I’m continuing off from Mio^._.^













A selfie I took on a relaxing, carefree day~^.____.^




My bangs have gotten long lately ^._.^








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The 3rd generation members were featured in ViVi magazine!

It was a really really fun photoshoot on a nice warm day~!


I couldn’t stop laughing!!


Thank you!



A different feel from the usual Itoha!









The 3rd generation members were featured in anan magazine!


I think you can see a cool side of the 3rd gens in it!

It had a mature vibe with a cool atmosphere!



I’ll post some offshots another time~!




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6th Single Start over!

Was released on June 28th!



The 3rd gens got to appear for 2 songs this time.

Thank you.




I hope you’ll continue to support us during the 6th single.



Let’s enjoy it to the fullest!!




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6th Single Online Meet & Greet



July 2nd!


Was the first day ^._.^
Thank you!






I’m happy I could talk with you all!



There’s lots more I want to talk about so

let’s talk again!


Itoha likes the time we get to spend talking together so, so much











The next date with be July 9th!


Those of you who I’ll be meeting! I’m looking forward to it!




I want to see you soon ^._.^




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Story about the 3rd gens




This time




It’s about Murayama Miu




Miu cut her hair and it’s super cute…!


So cute.
I said to her,


“Won’t you become Itoha’s woman?”


She said,


“Nah think I’m good👍🏻”




Miu was probably just embarrassed.. Geez!!!



Miu has a facial expression that Itoha likes more than anything in the world
When I asked her to do it for me

She did it just for Itoha while making sure nobody else was around!!!


Itoha was so pleased lol






Oh also, when we were still trainees?? Or well I don’t remember exactly when it was, but when Itoha was still in Hiroshima, she was on the way home from school and got a phone call from Miu!!





I said “What’s up?”




She said something cute like “I’ve got some free time so I figured I’d call~”




We were talking on the phone, but it felt like we were just hanging out in person like usual~!




Miu.. she really is so cute and funny lol







Next time I’ll talk about Murai Yu




This girl is really funny too, I have so many stories about her lol




There’s one awesome story about her that’s my absolute favorite, so look forward to it!!!




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~ Q & A ~



Thank you for always sending so many questions!


Learn lots about Itoha, ok?



But I want to know about all of you too, so only tell Itoha!!





Q1. What’s your favorite photocard?





A. I guess as you might expect, it’s the very first photocard I was photographed for, the one enclosed in Sakurazuki~!!



The nervous face I was making seems charming to me now. lol




I was really nervous and stiff~! lol




I also like the Natsu no Chikamichi MV outfit photocards because they remind me of when we were recording in the gymnasium!



The sakura petals dropped all over the gymnasium floor makes me feel like I’m there or something, like “Waa!! It’s Natsu no Chikamichi!!”




I also like the outfit so, so much!




Oh and also! Doesn’t the 2023 winter clothing somehow feel like we’re on a date??



I know you’ve been taking my photocards with you to all sorts of places~!




I’m glad! Thank you!




Sorry, you asked me what my favorite one is but I ended up giving you a lot of them…lol




I was also happy about getting to wear the BAN outfit!









Q2. What are your goals now that you’re 17 years old?





A. This one huh~. lol



I already said this in front of my seniors, the other 3rd gens, and our manager when they gave me cake on the day of my birthday, but




I won’t cry!



I said I wouldn’t cry but I was crying while I said it~ lol


It’s really embarrassing now that I think about it, huh? Ahhhhhh lolol





I’ve been thinking for a while that I want to get stronger through my idol activities


but for now I can’t do anything and I haven’t gotten stronger yet


Someday I want to become someone who has something that only they can contribute to the group.




It’s been half a year since our debut and I’ve been working as a part of this group being supported by my seniors and the other 3rd gens

When I tried to think of what I have to offer or what I can do, I had no answer to give and it made me hate myself for it



I can’t just always depend on everyone else



I don’t just want to be there, I want to be useful too



That’s how I’ve come to feel



That’s why I want to become stronger! And as one step towards that

I’m not going to cry!! That’s the goal I’ve set for myself!




I’m doing my best so I hope you’ll be watching me



But please forgive me if I cry because I’m moved or really happy, ok? lol









Q3. I’m going to Hiroshima next summer, so please tell me about some delicious food






A. Oysters!! Agemomiji!! Okonomiyaki!! Ramen!!
[t/n: Agemoniji is a fried bun in the shape of a maple leaf. Okonomiyaki is a pancake-like dish that can have a wide variety of ingredients added into the batter. The “okonomi” part is kind of just like “whatever u want bro” and afaik this is particularly true for okonomiyaki served in Hiroshima]




But! The anagomeshi in Miyajima is the most delicious thing ever!!!
[t/n: anagomeshi is grilled conger eel (anago) with rice. Note that this is not the same kind of eel as unagi. couldn’t tell you the difference in taste because alas despite loving eel, anago is kind of expensive and difficult to find out west]




Have lots of fun!



Itoha wants to go too~…















Q4. Will you ever put your hair in a ponytail at a live? Or a center-part hairstyle!






A. Ehh!! I want to!!



Could it be because you want to see me with a ponytail~?




If so, then I guess I have no choice but to do it!





But that means you have to love me even more if I do!





Are there any other hairstyles you want to see~??



I want to try lots of different hairstyles in meet & greet too, so I’d like you to tell me what you want to see~!







By the way, a photo I’ll post next time








That’s your hint. lol



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SHOWROOM Livestream


Thank you very much!



How was it??



I talk way too much right.. lol



It was really fun!!




Oh and also, listen to this
I practiced putting on makeup and picked out some clothes

just so I could get complimented by everyone~!!


I was happy that you all complimented me lots ^._.^


Thank you!




Let me talk to you all a lot again sometime!



Next stream is on July 6th at 20:00 to 21:00




Who will it be I wonder~??



Have fun ^._.^




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Alright! I’ve run out of things to chat about~!



So when Itoha finishes writing her blog
she immediately starts writing her next blog and is pretty much done writing it by the time Rika-nee’s turn comes~ lol



That’s how much I want to talk!









Sakurazaka Channel


Did you watch~??




Every time another wonderful video is put up, Itoha watches it as well!!



Please be sure to watch it!





My blog’s gotten long again this time, but thank you for reading!




Let’s give another week our best starting tomorrow




Itoha will be right beside you~




Tomorrow’s blog will be from Yu
The girl that always takes pictures of her food. lol
It’s really funny, she doesn’t just take pictures of fancy meals like you normally would, she even takes pictures of light meals lol
I asked her “Why are you taking a picture of this?”
and she was saying “I want to save pictures of delicious foods to a folder”











Itoha has been looking really mature lately!








Things might get tough again tomorrow

but the most important thing is not to overdo it, ok?







See you later. Loove you   byebye



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