It’s the season for sakuras to bloom🌸 (2023.03.20)

Happy monday☺️




Have you been enjoying the 3rd gen blog relay and everyone’s individual qualities? There’s lots more to come~!

We’re already finishing up our 2nd week!






I am Odakura Reina,
an 18 year old 3rd year high school student from Tokyo.





This will be my last blog before I graduate high school.
Please read it if you’d like~









The sakura trees have begun to bloom🌸


The moment I remember to look up at the sakura trees in this season, I realize how much I love spring in Japan.
I love enjoying flowers in the spring air, so much so that I truly look forward to the day they’re in full bloom.


When I was little, I was given a sakura tree sapling, and year after year I’d look forward to the flower buds opening up.

I like going to see the sakura trees blossoming🍡

I love how the 5th single uniform is a cool-cute hybrid!






~Continuing the self-introduction from last time~

〇Penlight colors
・White x Passion Pink
My birthday color (7/25) is pink.





〇Novels I Like
・The Wandering Moon (Rurou no Tsuki)
It’s a work I’ve loved for a long time.
(I won’t be touching upon the contents of the book, so don’t worry about reading on)


I feel like the message is that everyone’s circumstances are different, as is the loneliness they carry and what it is that brings them solace. So no matter what form your happiness takes, it’s not wrong.


Please be sure to give it a read~📕

There are lots of other books I like, so I’ll introduce some another time!
By the way, I do somewhat prefer modern literature.





〇What I’m Not Good With
In middle school, I loved scary stories so much that I watched just about every famous horror movie you could think of.
Ring, Ju-on, Dark Water, The Shining, etc… I’d conquered every famous horror film and had watched every scary television show as well.

And then… when I became a high school student, I suddenly found them to be very scary.🥲

Because I realized that ghosts “exist” all over, everywhere I look.

I was overly cognizant of scary situations and any place I looked reminded me of ghosts.
I ended up so afraid of ghosts and dark places that it was interfering with my life……👻





There’s a snail at the top of my signature.

I actually had a pet snail a long time ago.

I started with a small snail like the ones you often see during the rainy season. Then whenever I’d find a bigger one, I’d return the smaller one back to where I found it. Eventually, I found one about the size of a golf ball that lived by the ocean.

I thought the way it nibbled on food and slowly moved, so I took good care of it🐌





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〇Fan Letters
I saw your fan letters.

Choosing the stationary, holding the pen, putting it in the mailbox.

I cried with joy imagining how you must have been thinking of me as you did all that.
I truly love you all.

I’ll treasure it forever!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you any time💌





〇3rd Generation
I’m close with all the 3rd gen members, but most recently I went out with Nagi (Kojima Nagisa), Riko (Endo Riko), and Yu (Murai Yu)! Today, I’ll tell you about the 3 of them.

I was actually so excited the night before that I couldn’t sleep and spent time in the middle of the night curling my hair🤭

Which do you like more, straight or curled?


I chatted with Nagi so much when I met with her.
It feels nice how our conversations flow naturally and I end up losing track of time.


Riko has a strong ability for reacting to my jokes. Her sharpness with me is totally different from how it is with the other girls.
I love that about her.


Yu is a funny girl. She has a lot of cute phrases she often uses, so Yu fans, please try to figure out what they are! It’ll definitely make you smile🐰





〇Our Seniors
Sokosaku, Meet & Greet, etc… We’re getting more and more chances to work together with our seniors.

They’re all beautiful and kind goddesses.
They will seriously offer us advice, come talk to us when we’re feeling nervous……
I’m continuously impressed every day.


Actually, the photo I posted on my last blog was one I took with Onuma-san’s character!

On that day we were recording the MV for 「Natsu no Chikamichi」 and everyone was nervous, but whenever we’d look at the whiteboard we’d see a cute monster giving us a reassuring “You can do it!”
Our kind senior who gives us encouragement.



Masumoto-san is always so kind to us🫶I really admire that she has this atmosphere about her that just makes you want to go over and start talking to her.

She gave me a dinosaur toy the other day.
I’ll keep it close to me and bring it everywhere I go like a good luck charm, thinking of it as my dear Masumoto-san!



Also, whenever I see Fujiyoshi-san, I always tell her I love her.

She stuck close to me at yesterday’s meet & greet and I thought “It’s good to be alive~”
Even just by thinking about it, I can’t stop grinning☺️☺️
I don’t have a shred of regret about living the otaku life🤭






Thank you for reading all the way through.
This is how my 2nd blog turned out!

I hope to be the brightest star in your heart💫
This was Odakura Reina!


See you again after another 10 days👋



Tomorrow will be Nagi.
If there’s a “Konnagi~!” does that mean there’s also an “Ohanagi~!” I wanna know👀
Have fun tomorrow as well!


「t/n: the “kon” from konnichiwa (good afternoon) and the “oha” from ohayou (good morning)」

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