Kobayashi-san (2024.02.05)


Thank you very much for opening my blog πŸˆβ€β¬›


It’s Sakurazaka46’s Masumoto Kira 🌸








Kobayashi Yui-san’s graduation concert that was held

on 31st January, and 1st February has safely concluded! πŸ’ƒ



Thank you very much to everyone who came to the venue,

and to everyone who watched through the stream!











I’ll write it lots~


Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san Kobayashi-san








It was such a wonderful concert ✨

I had so much fun~










I really like the costume!!

Isn’t it so cute? 🌷︎





It has four different versions: black short sleeves, black long sleeves, navy short sleeves, and navy long sleeves, did you notice it~? πŸ‘€








Everyone looks so good with it πŸ‘ΈπŸ»










I also like this second costume that we wore 🌼

Thanks to Murayama’s invitation, I was able to safely take a picture with it πŸ“Έ Thank you~











Together with Yuuzu who is always admirably giving her best πŸ“Έ


This sweatshirt is also so stylish!

There’s a gray version of it πŸ‘πŸ»











I was able to experience such a glittering time 🌸























I am sure that everyone who knows Kobayashi-san

must have all, at one time or another,

wondered how much she had been carrying on her delicate back





I feel that Kobayashi-san, who has a calm demeanor

and handles everything with effort that she does not show, is often seen as mature. In fact, I have been surprised many times by the fact that she is only two years older than me.




For that, I’m sure that the burden of her responsibility must have been heavy.



There were many times when I thought that, if I were her, I would have run away.

From my point of view, Kobayashi-san is really cool for standing up to anything.













Ever since I entered this industry,

I have seen people with various talents.

I was often envious of their abilities that I did not have.



But, what moved me was,






“To find what only I can do,

refine it, and hold to it fast”




It was such a way of life.








Kobayashi Yui-san, whom we all admire,

has shown us this process over the years.

She’s truly such a cool senior!









I will never forget Kobayashi-san’s figure.











Truly, thank you very much for your hard work in the past eight and a half years 🌸


Kobayashi-san, I love you!





Truly thank you very much for everything until now.

Congratulations on your graduation 🐱












Thank you very much for reading until the end!


Masumoto Kira (Kirako)

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