Reunion (2023.08.13)

Good evening 🥷


We held the Start Over! Real meet & greet,

Thank you so much 😙‪‪❤︎


Reunion (2023.08.13)

Peace sign of happiness ✌️‪‪




It was so much fun^^



I straighten only one portion of my hair,

Then I curl it up and let it fall down~~





When I’m just being my usual self, I want to be comfortable,
so I wasn’t able to do much hair arrangement,
I’m sorry 😭


But next time, I will do it.






I was asked about my clothes,
so I’ll try showing it here…! ╭( ๐_๐)╮


Shirt: MARTE


That’s what it was 👗



I also get questions about
clothes and cosmetics, but,

I end up wondering if people would find the information useful or not,
so in the end, I didn’t get to talk too much about it.



However, girls also tell me that they like it,
so since I’ve gotten so many questions,
I thought I might take this opportunity to give something in return as well

Therefore, from now on,
I’ll try to answer your questions as best as I can,
and introduce some good things to you🫣!



Because I can send more information via the Message app in an easier way,
I might post more about this in there…LOL


If it’s okay with you ~ please wait for me ~





Well then,


Now it’s time to share some photos I took with everyone‪‪❤︎



The 3rd generation members were all beautiful in their yukatas~







Once again,

Thank you so much for
coming all the way here to meet with us
regardless of the bad weather we had today



It really felt like a miracle to be able to
meet and speak directly to all of you in person.



I’d be happy if we can do it again ☺︎




And I hope I will be able to meet someday
with those of you who couldn’t come this time.



There’s still a lot of people left
from the online meet & greets,
so I’ll be looking forward to meet them ☺️

Let’s talk about all kinds of different things


I took a close look
at each one of these,
and I also took photos to cherish and preserve them.


Thank you 🎠🌷




Let’s meet again!



See you!
Sakurazaka46 Tamura Hono

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