Summer festivals Odakura Reina (2023.08.10)


It’s Thursday, isn’t it? Thank you very much for your hard work.



I could feel the days becoming slightly shorter
When I think that Summer is ending
The city is full of Summer colors no matter how I look
I makes me sad how it seemed like I was the only one who was already in Autumn



I’m 19 years old Odakura Reina from Tokyo.



I remembered how, when I was in middle school, I wrote “Adults sure look sad”,

Perhaps the sadness of knowing that there is an end to things
is something that is only known to older people.


I might have become more mature than before.




That’s right, recently it’s been so hot that I wear long sleeves.

I really don’t like the feeling of your skin being burnt, so I gave long sleeves a shot since I think that it’ll feel cooler than wearing short sleeves.

You can still get heatstroke even if you are indoors,
so please take care of yourself before you crash.





I ate peach pancakes
Delish delish~




Thank you very much

for the individual meet & greet!


The fireworks displayed on screen, sea, plane, happy news, trivial talk, it has become an unforgettable memory to experience a summer like this.

It was really fun~!


I’m happy to have been able to share so many fun memories with you.

I’ll post pictures from meet & greet in the future!


Let’s meet again in real meet & greet and national online meet & greet!
I’ll be waiting for you 🌻





Thank you very much
to everyone who came to the venue,
to everyone who watched from the stream.


The 3rd gen members were worried
whether there would be anyone watching us at the venue,
and when we heard everyone’s loud cheers, we all looked at each other and smiled.

Thank you very much for your support.

“Just how much power do I always get from them?”,
it was the moment when I was once again reminded of how grateful I am.


Just before the performance, Yu said to me, “Let’s hit each other’s backs”, so we smacked each other as hard as we could.

The dull pain seemed to say “It’s not a dream”, and it made me feel a little happy.


I will do my best to grow even more.




Q&A corner


Q. Your image of Tohoku

A. At the beginning, the make-up artists asked me a few times if I was from Tohoku, so I felt some kind of kinship with the region.
I also have the impression that the food there is very delicious. Personally, it’s my dream to conquer Tohoku on a trip.


Q. What’s the first thing you do after waking up?

A. Kissing my dog
It wakes me every morning, so I’d kiss it as soon as I managed to catch it.


Q. Do you prefer fireworks? Or sparklers?

A. Sparklers
It makes me the most excited when going out to buy fireworks!


That reminds me,





Today, I wanted to play with some sparklers, so I went to the riverside with a bucket, BBQ lighter, and salad.

But then… I forgot to buy the sparklers.

So I laughed and was like “I messed up~”, quietly ate my salad by the riverside, then went home.

Because summer is fun no matter what you do… haha…



Speaking of baffling occurrences like this,



During the meet & greet on 6th August,
I was wearing my shoes on the wrong feet the entire day

Made you say “No way” out loud, huh?



Q. How long does it take you to write a blog?

A. I write down what comes to mind during the ten days, then starting two days before my turn I start putting it into writing.

I probably delete more words than I keep, it feels like only 20% of it ends up left in the blog

It wouldn’t be interesting if I left it all in
So that means the rest is a secret~





It’s a dinosaur πŸ¦–


I went to the National Science Museum.

I used to go there all the time as a child,
but I think I haven’t been there for a while~


I know a lot more now than I did when I was little
so it was very interesting.


”I sure find the biological classification corner interesting

But after all, dinosaurs make me excited

Ah! I can’t leave once we start talking about space!”


I was thinking things like that the whole time.



And there were a lot of elementary schoolers on their summer vacations, it made me smile as they reminded me of when I would come here when I was their age


The further underground I go, the fewer children there are.


I thought that it was probably because there were more texts there

A boy writing something in front of the experimental button caught my eye.

I wonder what kind of an adult that child will be,
it’s something to look forward to, isn’t it?






I’ll wrap things up here.


I hope to be the brightest star in your heart πŸ’«
This was Odakura Reina!


You see, I listen to music when writing my blog,

The song playing right now is
BGM Ni Narunayo / by Humbreaders-san.

I love the lyrics, so I’m listening to it intently.
Please give it a listen.



Tomorrow is Nagi
Speaking of which, recently I’ve started being able to do an impression of her!



See ya~

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