Hello everyone,
I’m Hikaru Morita of Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation 🌱
I’m featured on the latest issue of “Up To Boy”, which went on sale Friday, April 23rd!
I’m on the cover and the opening section..!
It makes me extremely happy, thank you very much ^ ^
The cherry blossoms were blooming really beautifully 🌸
For this feature, I wore 5 different outfits.
I’m thrilled since t’s my first time wearing such a large variety of outfits~
You’ll be able to see all sorts of me in this magazine!
The cover page shot!
There were even people who told me they really liked this page or this outfit during meet and greet, which made me really happy!
I was able to have Tounoki Takao-san act as the photographer for the first time in a long time since I had the photoshoot in Itoshima, Fukouka 2 years ago~
I’m glad that such lovely photos were able to be taken.
The location was also very warm and it was a fun photoshoot.
Thank for very much for everything as usual ^ ^
Also, I had the opportunity to talk about the production of the 2nd single and a variety of other things for the interview~
So please do check that out too…
Harada Aoi-san and Moriya Rena-chan are also featured on the magazine 🌸
Please do check it out!
Well then, that’s all for today.
Thank you very much for reading until the very end!
The end🌱
Translator: pupp3t
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/38792?ima=2110&cd=blog