‪‪☺︎ (2021.04.10)



Thank you for your hard work today


Yesterday, we (Sakurazaka46) appeared on Music Station ☺︎‬


Sakurazaka46’s 2nd Single “BAN”,
We performed it for the first time!


The first performance was on Music Station,
And since it was a live broadcast,


Just before the performance,
My heart was beating faster and harder than usual, and I wasn’t used to it that it hurts 😳


My feeling of nervousness
Was probably the highest ever.


It was a top class of nervousness..


Even though I was nervous during the performance,
with a sense of dignity,
I was determined to charm you the new Sakurazaka,
I was performing with that in mind.


Even if it’s only a little, for everyone who watched the performance
I hope I was able to show you a powerful performance

During BAN’s performance
There is a part of the performance where I intentionally make eye contact with Reirei, It’s always a healing moment ~ That’s the story.


Loved by Sakurazaka members,
Go-chan 🐼


I’ve never meet him in person,
but he’s always cute,and I’m one of the people that loves Go-chan 😊


I hope I could meet Go-chan someday ~ ~


On the broadcast of The Toppa File the day before yesterday,
I appeared on it together with Habu-chan!


I was feeling too nervous,
that it was a bit overwhelming but…


The host, Uchimura-san treated me very kindly,
I enjoyed the filming atmosphere with everyone, I was very happy


Above all, to be able to appear together with Habu-chan
I was very happy
It was very reassuring 😊


I myself have a hard time
stepping out of my own comfort zone with variety
from now on, I will work as hard as I can to break through(Toppa) one day!


I hope I can appear with Sakurazaka members again (on the show),
and next time, I will do my absolute best to make Uchimura-san say “Toppa!” 😊


I kinda miss taking picture while squatting down,
We said while taking the pictures


It certainly feels nostalgic taking pictures while squatting down.


How many years has it been since I have taken a picture squatting down ~😊


And yesterday,
TOKYO-FM SCHOOL OF LOCK! Kyouiku linkai!
I appeared on it together with Karin 😊


It’s been a while since I’ve been on the radio with committee member, Toyama
Deep down I was very happy, but


He already graduated as principal
Despite knowing he is now a member of the board committee


I’m still not used to calling him “Committee Member Toyama”
And I called him “Principal Toyama” a few times. 🙇‍♀️


It’s been a while since I’ve been able to drop by (Toyama’s radio).
I was truly happy, and I was able to relax and enjoy myself 😊



Tonight from 21:00 JST ~
We ( Sakurazaka46) will appear on it!


It was the first time I talked to Downtown-san
I wasn’t just a little nervous, but I was very nervous.


When I look at the two people from Downtown.
They are so close it makes me happy.
It is really wonderful~ I thought,
I enjoyed the atmosphere 😊


‘ 98 ✌


Furthermore today from 23 :20 JST ~
We (Sakurazaka46) will appear live on Shibuya Note 😊


By all means, please watch it~!


Yesterday, I braided my hair in a hairband style~ 😊



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