


Thanks for opening my blog. I’m Sakurazaka46’s Seki Yumiko 🐱




On April 6 (Wednesday), Sakurazaka46’s 4th Single “Samidare yo” will be released ☺︎






This time, I will be participating in Ten-centered title song and Risa-san-centered common coupling song.



Everyone always says “We love Yumi-chan no matter where you are”.
“I’m watching you”.
These words helped me over and over again.
I’ve experienced various feelings during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
I came to realize that I have so many different emotions.



As I grow older, I want to be someone people can rely on.
Even if there are people who gave up on me, I want those who support me to believe in me, at least.
Thank you for always believing in me.


I’m glad I didn’t give up☺︎



Until the announcement, all I could think of is if I can please everyone.


For me, who is often told to be clumsy, the one thing that I can be proud of is that I have fans who support me.


Everyone is so kind for saying “Because Yumi-chan is giving her best, I can do my best everyday too” and it makes me happy.



During this 4th single period, I hope to spend the time to express my gratitude to many people.
And, I also want to connect this to the next one without feeling satisfied.


I want to make a lot of memories with Risa-san and Aoi-chan, who will be graduating this single.I also want to do my best so that Sugai-san, who is currently taking on a new challenge, can feel at ease.


I also want to give everything I can so that Sakurazaka46’s music will reach the hearts of many people.


I apologize as I am not good with putting things into words
I will be glad if this has reached you.







4th Single miiguri (meet and greet) application is currently open.
Even now I just can’t wait to see everyone’s faces.
I also have read everyone’s letters, all of them.
Please let me say my thanks personally.


If you don’t know what to talk about, I’m ok with anything☺︎
If it’s not too much trouble, I’ll be the one to talk a lot.
Tell me your ordinary day-to-day life☺︎


The 2nd round of reception will start today from 14:00 JST until tomorrow, the 17th, 14:00 JST.
I will be waiting ☺︎








And, I will be appearing on Sky Perfect’s “Virtual Hawks Spring Camp 2022 in Miyazaki” on February 19.
This is a live broadcast! By all means, please watch it ☺︎



The other day, I was able to do a SHOWROOM with Inoue.
Thank you to all who watched!
It was super fun ☺︎


1-hour-late sorry pose🐱🦒





Sokosaku’s Photos!








Well, that’s it for today!


Thank you for reading until the end!


Seki Yumiko🐱

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