Sakurazaka46’s Kousaka Marino here 🌸
It’s July 🎋
These days I’m into eating an ice cream using the Shirokuma-shaped ice cream spoon 🐻❄️🍨
I know this is kinda late but…
Thank you to everyone who has watched BACKSLIVE!! that been held on June 16th, 17th, and 18th.
I’m glad to finally able to do a live performance in front of fans since this is my first live after I entered the group
A lot of people said that they like the gap on myself between ordinary me and when I do the live, and I’m really glad that I was nominated as the center for ‘Microscope’ ☺️
I want to become even stronger so that each of us can be an irreplaceable presence for the group!
Once again,
To everyone who came to the venue, to everyone who watched the live streaming, thank you very much ☺️
Today is D-2 until W-KEYAKI FES. 2021 that will be held on July 9th, 10th, 11th 🌸☀️
Everyone is work on their best in rehearsal every day ☺️
We will do our best on both rehearsal and the live day to impress everyone!
Since there is going to be live streaming for all three days, to everyone who watches the live, let’s have fun~ 🦁
Thank you for reading until the end
Kousaka Marino
Translator: @kouzaka35
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/39998?ima=2152&cd=blog