A Peaceful Daily Life🕊 (2023.09.13)

I’m Kojima Nagisa, 18 years old, from Nagano.


Recently I got bitten by a mosquito, it’s itchy~🫠
The temperature is getting colder, so I guess it has become a better season for the bugs to live.


I often hear that people with O blood-type are bitten more often, but I wonder how it actually is?
I might be either A or O type, not sure, but personality-wise most likely I’m an O!


Sorry that I’m changing the topic right away, but Nishino Kana-san who I love has a song titled “A-gata no Uta (The Song of A blood-types)”. Do you know about it?!
I like all of her songs, but this song makes me feel especially hype~


By the way, I’m not necessarily well-organized. There are times when my room is like a mess lol
However, when I go to restaurants for example, even though want to try eating other stuff, I’ll end up feeling like I’m missing out on the usual, and eventually will order the same thing over and over!


I’m sure there are those who understand what I’m saying!
I wonder how an “O-gata no Uta” would sound like~☺︎





One episode about the recent “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” !!

When Yu (Murai Yu) was eating, she struggled to open the lid of the dressing that comes with it, and Airi (Taniguchi Airi) came to help her and said “Let me open it~!”. It was such a cute and soothing moment☺︎


It was so adorable how Yu’s eyebrows looked when she was struggling with it. That’s the little story about Yu who’s a bit clumsy, with big sister Airi.



September 3rd,
“Start over!” Online Sign Event and Meet & Greet was held at this day.

Thank you for those who came!!


This is the 2nd online sign event, continuing from “Sakurazuki”. I felt like I’m getting closer with you all that I ended up writing too much things.

Thank you for all the fans who waited until the very end!!


I wonder if the signed board already arrived at your place💭💭
Look forward to it~



By the way, regarding the topic about what should my fandom name be, that I wrote in the previous blog, I got many lovely suggestions during the meet & greet, and I ended up getting even more confused on what to do with it,,,


With regards to that, please give this undecisive person some time to think!! lol
In between that period, please use whatever original fandom name you have in mind~~!!


I know you all have put much thoughts in it, so I’m sorry,,,
There are so many of it, ranging from the cute ones and cool ones. You all have such a great sense!!
Really, thank you very much!!


I will make some time to decide on it properly~






Also, it has been announced that the 7th single “Shouninyokyuu” will be released, and the online meet & greet will be held!


It feels like it’s been forever, but time passes on real quick.
In this next single, I want to strengthen my mind and body even more than now. I’ll be happy if you can keep on watching over me.


I’m looking forward to getting to talk with you all again soon!
Also, for those who are unsure whether to come or not, please come and let’s spend a happy time together!!


Aa~ sometimes there are people who said “I’m just coming to do the KonNagi~!!”, but that makes me really happy☺️
Let’s do KonNagi together again~🫶🏻






Recent things that made me happy, and other updates


The MV of “Natsu no Chikamichi” has reached 4 million views 🎊!! I’m so happy~!!!


When I was together with the others, Airi (Taniguchi Airi) suddenly went like “Eeeee~~~!!” making me wondered what just happened. Turns out, she found out that the MV has reached 4 million views, and we were all sharing our happiness.


Thank you all of you, for listening to and watching it for so many times. Looking back at myself in the MV somewhat made me feel embarrassed, but I believe this MV will always become our identity.


I’m looking forward to having fun with this song together you all again!!




Back the other day, I got the chance to visit Sakurazaka46 exhibition “Shinsekai”! I was asked for a lot of times, about whether I’ve visited it or not, during meet & greet or through the fan letters. I wanted to talk about it with you all as well, but it was difficult to arrange the time to visit…


And so finally, I’ve managed to stand inside the “Shinsekai”.



It will become a spoiler if I talk about the contents of the exhibit, so I will talk about it again some other time!


By the way, I got these
🥞Saka Cafe’s Black Pancake
☕️Hot Sakurazaka46 Latte Art

It was delicious~~~~~~~


I really love the taste of the pancake in particular!! I shared it together with Reina (Odakura Reina), Airi (Taniguchi Airi), Mio (Matono Mio), and Miu (Murayama Miu)!! Happy!



The other stuffs also look delicious. To be honest, I felt like eating all of them,,,🤫


By all means, after spending time to watch the exhibition, please take some time to relax at the cafe as well!




It looks like the 3rd gens will be featured in Unisonair soon!! Look forward to it~!!


I’m really bad at rhythm games in general,,, but I do play it sometimes because I got to play along with the songs and video clips that I like.


This is sudden, but are you all prefer to save the Unison gems!?


For me, once I saved up to 2500 gems, I will always use it right away to get the 10 consecutive gachas. Once the 3rd gens are implemented, I feel like I won’t be able to pull as much as I want. lol


Even if I managed to save some, I just cannot wait to get another pull~<,,,


Oh, and it’s a must to check the KonNagi gift item, and the mini-Nagi👀
Look forward to it!!


The story about the picture I sent for audition!


On Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka? back the other day, there were several pictures of me that got featured, but I wonder if you recognized a particular picture in which I am holding a tennis racket!?


Actually, that was one of the picture that I sent when applying for Sakurazaka46 new member audition! hehe


When I told the 3rd gens about it, they laughed and were also quite surprised, but of course that was not the main highlight!?


I sent a full body picture and a close-up picture of my face with proper angle of view. However, I didn’t have the habit to take many pictures back then such that I didn’t have enough to send, so my mother helped to take the other pictures to fulfill the requirement of sending 5 pictures.


How nostalgic~ I’m really thankful for my mother’s kindness back then. My mother had the choice to not take any pictures, and if that were the case I wouldn’t be able to send the documents.


If there’s a demand for it, next time I might upload the pictures I used for audition~ It’s embarrassing, but there are some pictures that got praised like “cutteee” by the others!!


It’s up to my mood whether I will upload one or not in the next week’s blog~
However, it has been one year ever since the audition as well, so I guess I should take the chance to talk about it before I forgot.



Well then, that’s it for today!!!
Next up is Airi!!
Usually I always called AiRiko (Endo Riko & Taniguchi Airi) as babies~👶, but recently I’m started to think it was me who actually got spoiled more by them.

Both big sisters Riko and Airi are so dependable.
From now on, I want to become a person who can support them, but I also still want to get pampered by them


I just got to think about it today!! Thank you as always. I love you all~ 💟


Bye-bye~!! Good luck for the next 11 days!!


📸 My hair is growing recently



📸 One day at the end of a lesson

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