Today, Wednesday August 3rd
Our first album “As you know?”
Has been released 🌸
Thank you so much.
Once again,
as they have developed something amazing
to liven things up for the release of our album ☺︎
They also created individual booths for each member,
I was deeply moved by the exhibition
which was overflowing with love…
Moriyama-san is here!? LOL
This is awesome… it’s extremely awesome…
There’s nothing but love in here…
Thank you so much for this.
I want to protect the Buddies’ smiles too! ☺️
I wrote signatures and messages
all over the place~~
I wonder if you can find them all~?
Please try to look for them 🧐!
I took some videos
of how SHIBUYA TSUTAYA looks right now
and I made it into a Vhonotalk 🫶
Tonight at 9:00
I will send it through the Message application,
so please look forward to it~
And then, at Shibuya Stream,
they created a wonderful exhibition
just like they did for the 4th single.
In ways like these, many people have cooperated
with the release of the album
I’m really grateful…
We have to do our best as well to reciprocate their efforts.
All the Buddies too,
please come and experience this by all means 🌊
Subscription services’ download distribution
has also started!
“Distribution link”
“CD Purchase link”
I sorta couldn’t sleep last night,
so as soon as it became the next day,
I downloaded it and listened to it over and over…
It’s good. It’s so good.
Inside the CD, there’s an event application ticket,
and there’s also many other things included,
if you’d like, please apply ☺︎
MBS’s variety show “Gobugobu (even match)”
aired last night
For everyone in the regions where it was not aired,
it seems you should be able to watch it from here 👘
Next week is the second half of the broadcast.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity
to appear for 2 consecutive weeks. ( .. )
It’s the first “Gobugobu” yukata location shoot,
please watch it by all means ☺︎
Also, this morning was “LOVE IT!”,
thank you so much to everyone who watched it 🐰
Please let me talk about more about “LOVE IT!”
at another time ☺︎
And later today
Starting at 19:00
There’s the TV Asahi’s variety show “Aitsu ima nani shiteru no? (What is that person doing now?) 2-hour special”
Starting at 22:00
There’s the Nippon Cultural Broadcasting “Rekomen!” live radio show
Thanks so much for your support ☺️
I am looking forward to it~
See you!
Sakurazaka46 Tamura Hono
Translator: deedlitmurata
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/45013?ima=3216&cd=blog