I kinda feel like I want to be a calm person^._.^ (2023.05.30)


Thank you for opening my blog.



I   a m   M u k a i   I t o h a   f r o m   H i r o s h i m a   P r e f e c t u r e ,

I ’ m   1 7   y e a r s   o l d   a n d   i n   m y   2 n d   y e a r   o f   h i g h   s c h o o l .



I don’t remember why, but I was crying so much this day that I got big puffy bags under my eyes^._.^




I’m continuing off from Mio’s blog^._.^





We recently ate some dinosaur-san ice cream together!
[t/n: kyouryuu no tamago / dinosaur egg, a brand of ice cream in the shape of a dinosaur egg. at least I think that’s what she’s talking about lol]





When I asked for it at the store I said
“I’d like the dinosaur ice cream please!”

And the shop clerk said
“Dinosaur-san, right~!”




Then I said “Yes! Dinosaur-san!”

I was embarrassed about attaching “-san” to “dinosaur” lol




Dinosaur-san was tasty






I started writing this blog after reading Miu’s blog.




Miu’s blogs are so cool… She comes off as such a calm person..



Itoha wants to be a calm person too







Hey, you weren’t thinking “that’s impossible” just now, were you? lolol


Of course it is^._.^






You know, Miu’s funny too lol

Itoha’s folder is full of funny videos of her that Miu told me me not to show anywhere.. or videos that she seems like she’d say that about





In particular, Itoha really likes

A video from us when we stayed up late the night before we met up for

Soko magattara, Sakurazaka?
3rd generation debut episode



It’s seriously so funny. lol





Itoha was surprised by how much she laughed and just how loud her laugh is..





I’ve never thought of my own laugh as loud, but watching this video, I thought maybe it really is loud!!







A little while ago Yupi also said

“Your laugh is seriously so loud!!”

when she got angry at me because it was 4:30 in the morning lol




It’s kinda embarrassing how people say they know where I am just by my laugh^._.^



Maybe I’ll try to laugh quietly from now on






Hey, you weren’t thinking “that’s definitely impossible” again, were you? lolol




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Thank you


for Kanagawa leg of the tour!





I was so happy I could meet so many Buddies~!!





And hey! I could see all the way up to the 4th level in the venue!!



Itoha was happy that you noticed that she was waving to you~!!!


It’s because I’m watching you closely you know!! Don’t you look away!!!




The Kanagawa performance was super fun~!!



And and!
Itoha is totally fine! She’s in good health!
[t/n: not 100% sure what happened, but I saw some people saying that her left arm was wrapped during the Kanagawa performance]


People were even expressing concern in their love letters, but I’m really fine!!!

Thank you so much!

I love you all~!!!









We’ll be reaching the tour finale tomorrow


Let’s get hyped!


There will be a livestream too, so I want you to watch it..


Itoha will be doing her best^._.^






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We were able to meet during the tour, but I wish I could see you all much more..

I very much want to meet everyone who wasn’t able to come as well.





I wanna talk just the two of us..

I want to make more memories together..




The 6th single individual online meet and greet


second round of applications

will be open between tomorrow, May 31st at 2PM until June 1st at 2PM!





Don’t you wanna talk with Itoha?





I wanna get closer to you so let’s make lots of memories!




I talk a lot, so I hope you’ll learn all kinds of things about me!




Of course, Itoha wants to know about you too, so please tell me about yourselves!





It’d make me happy if we can meet a lot






I’ll be waiting. hehe.





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Now then, now then

~ Q & A ~





Q1. What do you do for hair care?
What cosmetic products you usually use?




A. I make sure my hair treatment fully soaks in~!!



I use a coarse comb to brush my hair after applying the treatment!

I’ve heard that it won’t penetrate deep enough if you just use your hands, so it’s better to use a comb~!!




And here are the products I typically use




HERA spicy nude gloss 382



Milk Touch
All Day Long & Curl Mascara


M.A.C Mineralize Blush Dainty




Also, after I finish putting on makeup

I spray on

CLARINS Fix Makeup!



It was given to me for my birthday by a girl I love^._.^
It’s seriously so useful…





The eyeshadow I use varies from day to day and depends on my mood💭

I generally use pink makeup^._.^





Lately I’ve wanted to look more mature, so I bought deep red lipstick~!! I’ll show you next time I put it on! hehe.





Q2. Do you have any memories from when you were supporting the group as a fan before you joined?



A. When I went to the 2nd TOUR!



It was super memorable!



I wasn’t able to make the trip for the Tokyo Dome performance, but I went to the Hiroshima show as a fan and had a really great time~!!


I got fan service after making an effort to ask for it!!^._.^



And of course I was really happy about that~





Q3. What kind of cake does Itoha-chan like?


Itoha likes tarts~!!!


But I also like strawberry short cake, and also chocolate cake.
I also like mille crêpes. And mille-feuille!
Is that too many..?
I like anything that’s sweet lol

Q4. What’s the name of that cat you always draw?




Oh her, huh~ lol

If you’re wondering “Which cat~!!”
It’s in my greeting card and other stuff, so please take a look^._.^



I was actually trying to think up a name with the manager-san the other day, but we only thought up weird names so I haven’t decided on one yet… lol




Itonyan, Itocat




Isn’t it too weird…? lolol



I’ll try to think harder about it~. lol





These were all questions from your love letters again!
Thank you so much!

I was also happy that there were so many requests for hairstyles you want to see!


My forehead, which people said they wanted to see during meet & greet too



Also my ^._.^cat^._.^ that fans said they wanted to see





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I posted my cat so that’s probably enough for this blog~










Did you listen to Sakumimi…?



I talked so much~!! lol



It was because I was with Mio that I felt like I could be normal Itoha!

I always talk to her with that level of excitement~ lol




And! And!

Did you see

MARQUEE-san Vol. 150~??


The photoshoot with Yupi was sooo much fun~!!!

Yupi posted a picture of the two of us together, so please take a look~!



And! And!

🌸Sakurazaka Channel🌸

Another video was uploaded!

Ozono Rei-san went to a family restaurant by herself!


Going to a family restaurant by yourself..! So cool…!



Itoha wants to try challenging some things by herself on Sakurazaka Channel too~!


What would you like Itoha to do?



Be sure to check it out on youtube!







It’s about to be June, the season when there’s a lot of rain.

Please take care of yourselves^._.^



And on that note,


Ame to Boku no Hanashi / back number


It’s a song I love that has to do with rain.

Try listening to it okay?^._.^





Alright! Let’s meet again in my next blog




I wonder if there’s anyone I can meet tomorrow too?




I want to meet you soon.





I’ll see you then.






Tomorrow’s blog will be from Yu~🎶
The other day, when 3 of us were talking, Yu came up to us like “what are you talking about what is it what is it what is it~!!!!!!” it was so cute lol

She said “I’m curious~” as she was laughing lol

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