I prefer pencils to mechanical pencils (2022.09.21)

I appeared in Macaroni Empitsu-san’s

10th Anniversary Short Movie 








I like Macaroni Empitsu’s songs 


And listen to them often 


So I was really happy when I heard about it! 








I had a chance to see the finished video early,  


and I watched it over and over again 


because the video and music matched so well…   




Advanced screening of the short move, “Akogare”  


Will be at the “Macaroni Empitsu Exhibition”  


At Shibuya PARCO B1F ❗️  




It’s from 9/22 (Thurs) to 10/5 (Wed)! 




The admission seems to be by reservation only,  


so please click below for more information🙌 









I’m planning on going too!! 



I hope you could visit as well🤘 





















Here are some offshoots from TGC〜🫠













Seeing the fans as I walked down the runway


made me very happy〜☺️ 



Thank you for coming〜🌼 




























Oze so cute〜💛 

















Check out our TikTok too! 








A new video with Hikaru has been uploaded🌱





See you!


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