I turned 26 years old ☺︎ (2021.12.01)


Good morning ☀︎

How are you?



This is a personal matter but,

on 29th November 2021

I have safely turned 26 years old!


I was very happy to receive many congratulations at weekend’s meguri
from “Buddies” and “Barizu” who supported us ✨

I was touched by everyone’s consideration from start to end.

Truly, truly, thank you very much!!

I will be writing about the meguri in detail
on another blog ☺︎


As my birthday approached,
I am happy to celebrate it with my family,
the other members, and staff from various places 🥺


UnisonAir-san’s photoshoot 🎈



I like the dress I wore so much
that I bought one myself 👗


Tomu played with the balloon 🎈






And then, thank you very much
to everyone who has watched the SHOWROOM stream on 28th 🎂

It is my pleasure for you
to spend your precious Sunday evening together with me!!

Did you have fun?


In the little time that we have, the staff was running around the place
to decorate the room with cute decorations!

I am truly grateful and thanks to it, it has become a fun stream ✨


During the stream
Risa and Rina-chan brought a cake as a surprise,
I was so surprised, it felt like I was about to fall off my chair!!

They joined up at the end…

I am always helped by everyone’s kindness.



Thank you, everyone~ 🥺



This is the first time my birthday has been celebrated in such a big way
I was so happy, so glad that I felt like crying 🥺



Habu-chan who was with me the whole time and liven things up
took a lot of pictures ☺︎




It was very lively thanks to the many comments and items from everyone ✨

I am sincerely grateful.

Truly thank you very much 😊



I was also happy to receive
present from the members ✨


Let me introduce some of them!



Run-chan drew it ♪

No Uma Musume, but Uma Sugai



As usual, she draw well~!



Kira-chan gifted me a sweatshirt with an original design again this year!

Tomu is poking out of the pocket…!!



When she learned that Tomu got hidden when I wear the training bib,
and got a corrected one within a day!



Tomu poking out!



It’s so cute, it’s a favorite of mine already!
Above all, the fact that it’s original makes me truly happy.
I will treasure it ☺️


By the way, the back has been upgraded as well lol


[Written: “Captain’s back”]


I like this sort of sense 💭

Thank you, Kirabou!!




Once again,
My year as a 25-year-old has been a fulfilling one
both as Sakurazaka and both as an individual.


I could ever live by my own,
and able to continue my activity with the support of many people.


I am truly a fortunate person
to always be able to receive warm support from everyone ☺️
I am filled with gratitude.



I started this job at the age of 19
and in a blink of an eye, I turned 26


As both a Captain and an adult,
I want to become a more dependable person.


I think that no matter how old you become,
the way of life that pursues your possibilities is cool.


I’d like to continue to challenge various things,
while failing at times,
I’d like to learn from that,
and expand to a new world!


I want to experience many things in my twenties, and make my heart strong and colorful while cherishing my relationships with others~


I will ganbariki without forgetting to smile,
to be a source of energy,
and to be able to give back a lot to everyone 🐴


I will continue to do my best,
so that I can be of support to Sakurazaka46, and so that I can be needed somewhere else as Sugai Yuuka as well!


Please continue to be with me from now on as well.
I look forward to your support ✨






Today on 1st December, Sakurazaka46 will be appearing in FujiTV’s “FNS Kayousai” first night starting from 6:30PM JST 📺

We will be performing “Nagaredama” at a gorgeous set.



I received a beautiful birthday bouquet
from FujiTV staff, I was so surprised and happy 🥺

It’s my lightstick colors 🍠✨


Truly thank you very much!!

By all means, please give it a watch tomorrow 📺


Well then, see you again✨



Sugai Yuuka




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