It seems like I should be able to think about nothing, but I can’t actually do it… or rather like if I try to think about nothing right now, my head will fill with “don’t think of anything, don’t think of anything.” What the hell is this phenomenon that makes me say “it’s impossible not to think about anything?” If I start worrying about it it’ll go on all night  Yamashita Shizuki (2023.07.16)










I’m 18 years old Yamashita Shizuki

from Kyoto





Meet & greet on 9th July


It was fun to be able to chat about a lot of things with you. Thank you very much to those who always come and those who came for the first time ( ¨̮ )




I feel sad that there is some time until the next one…




And thank you very much for the SHOWROOM stream as well. I was pretty nervous since the morning the day of…

but it was fun~




I also watched all the other 3rd gen streams~



A picture together with the racoon I streamed with!





I often wear clothes with an animal print, but it’s simply because I like animals…



Recently, I went to Kimoiten* together with Riko
[*T/N: Exhibition of “creepy (kimoi) creatures that have weird shapes and coloring”]

There were all kinds of unique creatures from around the world, it really gave me goosebumps but it was fun, I’d love to go again…

I recommend it~






🐰🐱 🐇🐈



Which one… which team are you on…?



Well then

A nostalgic picture, taken on the filming day for “Natsu no Chikamichi” MV. Our scene and the individual dance scenes in the classroom were the last ones filmed that day


The two of us practiced the 1st chorus and the last chorus so many times together

She is always encouraging me, who can only think depressing thoughts, and she’s always by my side during lessons and the day we filmed the MV




It’s reassuring to have her by my side

in “Seijaku no Boryoku”, the first MV that shows our faces

Thank you for staying behind to watch over me until the very last filming. Even though the rainy scene should be cold, it felt wholesome and warm~ We’ve often been together since the time of Natsu no Chikamichi to even now, and she’s very calming to be together with ︎︎☺︎



Please continue to take care of me from now on





Lately, the weather has been so hot you wouldn’t think that it’s July

Please take care of yourself without being defeated by the heat

Yamashita always keeps a bag of umeboshi snacks in summer…





Another thing…

About the blue plushie I talked about in the blog the other day…

I wonder if anyone got it right? Please read that blog first…




and though I wrote that

I still won’t tell you what kind of plushie it is~





And so around here

I bring today’s blog to an end

Thank you very much for reading until the end




Next is Rika’s

Please look forward to it~




Good night



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