Meet and Greet (2022.06.01)

Thank you very much for opening my blog🌸

I’m Sakurazaka46’s Masumoto Kira





Thank you very much for the Nationwide Meet and Greet!




Uemura-san did her meet and greet together with the Masumoto body pillow〜


It’s life-sized and has a strong presence
So everyone passing by Uemura-san’s room did a double take 😄













People told many times that they’d like to see a full body shot of me, so













A nice photo










Look, look ー🦎




I got this cute creature from Morita-san🥰🥰

Is it a fat-tailed gecko?


I’ll treasure it〜
Thank you so much Morita-san (*´з`*)





I’m looking forward to next week’s meet and greet too〜

See you again





Thank you very much for reading until the end

Masumoto Kira (Kirako)


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