Photos 2 (2024.03.21)

Calendar blog
Shall we get started


February 15th

I turned 19
Thank you as always




March 8th

The rumored white rabbit




March 10th

As I thought, it came out blurry
It’s so difficult

In the first photo,
I wrote
Thank you     Heart
Could you tell?

Odakura looks cute in the fourth photo




March 12th

After developing the photos
I found Masumoto-san in the mirror

There was me who was like ? too

Ozono-san so cute




March 17th





March 18th, 19th

I really like to

Sit in the audience seats and listen to music before the performance
It’s a photo of that
But you can’t see anything, huhー




March 21st







Calendar blog
How was it?
Tell me next time

Murayama Miu

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