Real Miiguri in Kyoto  #nagisablog (2024.01.18)

It’s Sakurazaka46’s 3rd generation, Kojima Nagisa
How are you all doing… 🍰


A real meet & greet was held the other day on 13th January.
Truly thank you very much to everyone who has come all the way to Kyoto ☺


I am once again strongly reminded of how I’m able to do these activities thanks to your presence. Thank you as always ☺


And I was also very happy to receive the flowers~!!
I took a lot of pictures with them, so I will be updating again soon


From here on I’ll post the offshots



I was able to see Reina and Airi’s lane a bit, and the many Buddies who waved at me were so cute… I wonder if we will be able to meet one day?


The young lady and Riko-chan👼🏻



This outfit really suits her… ♡
Riko-chan, who turned 18th on 9th January
Congratulations on being an adult 🎉


I talked about this in mobame too,

but sometimes she would answer with “Yup!” 🐶, and sometimes she would rebel with a “Hmph!” 😾, which is so cute…


The other day too, Riko did something that made five~six 3rd generation members yell a genuine “So cuteee~”. She’s truly such a loveable presence 🥰


Please stay the same forever 👼🏻
Once again, happy birthday!


🤍 ShimShima duo 🖤



So nice……


Cute (;;)
We also sat next to each other in BACKS LIVE!!’s waiting room
By the way, the twelve of us were sitting surrounding (?) a big desk
It made me really happy somewhat


On the train home from Kyoto
Riko-chan, Rika-chan, then me
We sat in that order, and the two of them were sleeping with their head tilted in the same direction lol
A picture of Rika before she’s asleep
By the way, my eyes were wide open



And then, the birthday girl of the day
Ishimori Rika-chan~🎀
(The picture is from BACKS LIVE day)
Rika, who suits half-twin hairstyles the most in the world



What is her gaze fixated on?
Please try to make a guess


The answer is Matono and Odakura
Reina was looking at smug towards her
while taking a picture with Mio, which makes her feel frustrated


Looking back one year ago, Riko and Rika were the first members whose birthday I celebrated as a member of Sakurazaka46.
Lately, from many different things, I could feel how a year has already passed


Rika is one of the members who have continued to be an older sister presence for me since the training period
When things are difficult or painful, she would act more mature than anyone else, and before I knew it she had become an emotional support for high schooler me


I really love Rika, so I feel very excited to think about how Rikatan will be loved even more, such as by Buddies and Love it! Family as well~


Once again, happy birthday!
Thank you as always 💞



Super handsome Matono Mio
I get what Rika is feeling
I really like RikaMio…




The application for 8th single Online Meet & Greet started yesterday~


The first round is
From 24th January 14 PM JST ~ 25th January 14 PM
Let’s chat a lot together~


Whether you never done miiguri before or are visiting for the first time, you could take it as if talking with a friend and we would have a conversation full of smiles☺


I hope that I’ll be able to see you Buddies 💭
Let’s smile a lot together!
I’ll be waiting for you~ ✨



I will end my blog around here today
Thank you very much for reading until the end


See ya


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