“Shonin Yokkyu”    Nakashima Yuzuki (2023.09.26)





Good evening, it’s Nakashima Yuzuki.




Everyone, how are you!?


I’m doing well.







I’m writing because I have something to tell you.


I’m not very good at writing, but I hope you’ll read this.





I want Buddies to think that this single is good too


I want even more people to know about Sakurazaka46



That’s why I want to do my best.







Like I said the other day


Since Buddies are fans of the seniors…




That feeling has not changed to this day.

Because we have a history that the seniors have built. That’s what I love too.




But it’s exactly because I think that way that I do my utmost best.



I’m working hard so I can perform as Sakurazaka46 confidently.





I want to do my best so I can produce things that you can enjoy during the 7th single promotion period. 

Looking forward to your support.




The music video for “Shonin Yokkyu” has been released. ↓



Please watch it!










To everyone who has always supported me



Everyone who always reads my blog, who has my towel and penlight, who comes to my meet & greet, who sends me letters, I wonder with what kind of faces they are reading this blog.

I want to see everyone.






In the special place that was bestowed upon me because of everyone,


I will continue to do my best.


I will be someone who you can support proudly.


I will definitely grow. Please watch over me.




Thank you very much for always being warm and kind.


I’m glad I have you all to think about whenever I’m feeling down.



I will pay back the gratitude I feel everyday in various ways.



Please take care of me in the 7th single promotion period too.










I have some announcements 📢




♡ September 28th release All eleven of the third gens are featured on B,L.T.-san 

♡ October 2nd release I’m featured in an interview with Reina on Top Yell NEO-san



Please check it out.


I might write about them in my next blog after the release.







The third round of application for the meet & greed [sic] will be on

September 27th (Wed) 14:00 ~ September 28th (Thu) 14:00


It will start on noon tomorrow 🕑




Please come to the famously fun Yuuzu meet & greet.










I wrote about it before, but I still want to give a report on recent happeningsー.



Yesterday, I used an apple-scented bath bomb that my mother gave me. I thought that it had a bear pattern and that’s cute, but it’s actually the pattern of the film coat. I think it took 20 minutes? I just let it float on the bath. After that, I took the film off and mixed it in.




And thenー


I ate choco mint ice cream after a long time! That’s what I wanted to say, but since I can only post a blog once every 11 days, it might seem like I’m always eating it…? Even though it’s been a while!




And thenー


I bought a lot of clothes! I’ve been looking for them every day ever since I knew that there would be more meet & greets, and I bought them all at once the other day! Yayy, look forward to autumn Yuuzu. 



Those were my recent happenings ⭐︎










Thank you for reading until the end. 

I put a lot of thought into this blog. I always hope that my choice of words conveys my thoughts directly to everyone.






Tomorrow is Mioー!!



She did that after I told her to do a cool pose.



This is a photo from the day that we received the training bibsー.






Wishing the best for everyone 🌻




See you



From Yuuzu





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