Untitled (2024.02.03)

Thank you very much

for opening my blog.



I’m Endo Riko from Saitama. ☺︎







On the other day,

Kobayashi Yui’s graduation concert was held.



Thank you very much

to everyone who came to the venue,

to everyone who watched the stream!!







Kobayashi Yui-san

has graduated from the group.





She is kind, cool,

and seems like a perfect person to me.



I want to be someone like her.


She’s such a wonderful person that I couldn’t help but think that way.







I was very happy to have been able to perform “Anthem time”

together with her. ☺︎




In the part of “And bloom into a great flower”

there was a choreo where I went close to her, which I felt a bit nervous about…



it so!! so!!! made me happy that it has become an important memory for me. 🤭





Seeing Yui-san’s performance up close,

and dancing together with her,

has given me much inspiration.






The one year I was able to work together with Yui-san

has become a lifetime memory for me.



Etching what I have received from Yui-san within my heart,

I will continue to give it my absolute best

to bring myself closer to becoming “someone admired”.






Once again,

congratulations on your graduation ☺︎


I hope that Yui-san’s life from now on will be filled with smiles 😌



Rika took the picture 📷





Well then,

that’s all for my blog today~.



Thank you very much

for reading until the end!


See ya.

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