Winter ☃️ (2020.12.15)

Good evening

『Nobody’s fault』was released on 9 December. 🌸

It is a very grateful and happy feeling that we can start again from 1,
as Sakurazaka46.

So that we can take pride in Sakurazaka46, without sparing any effort,
I want to do my very best from now on and aim to become a group overflowing with smiles that make you warm with a feeling of relief, and come close to the heart of as many people as possible.

Each time we receive songs,
I really learn a lot of things from the lyrics, the melodies and the interpretations that TAKAHIRO-sensei discuss with us. I am always cast under a spell by the magic of the words of each and every song I recieve.
I hope I can convey that charm to everyone even as Sakurazaka~☺︎

I am happy if you listen to the 1st single a lot!

On 8 December as forerunner to the debut,
the Debut Countdown Live was held.
Thank you everyone who came to see it at the cinema.

It was fun🤍

See you


Harada Aoi blog 2020/12/15 00:05

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