Hello, everyone, it’s been a while,
As we storm into late May
it will be June before you realize it
Truly, it is the season of early Summer rain…
It made me so happy to receive many messages
saying that they have been listening to the 4th single “Samidare yo” a lot
And truly thank you very much
to everyone who has spoken to me
through the meguri this single as well 💻!!! 🗯
I hope that our songs could reach many people
We were also able to perform the song
in various music shows
Actually, I wore a different “Samidare yo” accessories
from the one I wore for the MV
I wonder if anyone noticed it 💍*。?
It made me truly so happy to wear beautiful costume in each single 🖤
I was able to become the MC
of AEON CARD Presents “Habu Game”
There we so many cute and sweet guests
I was glad to be able to do games and had a fun chat with them
The move where I shake the shaker
while doing it under the guidance of a professional
I tried to make it look cool ♪ lol
It’s been released up until the third episode
in YouTube and others, so by all means, please do give it a look
Today is the first day of Risa’s graduation concert
I hope that it may be an irreplaceable time
for you who are watching, for Risa,
and for us as well.
And I’d like to express my many gratitudes.
And to those who are coming to the venue,
please be careful as the weather is poor 😖💭
Let’s enjoy the show🖤
Translator: toomuchidea
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/43988?ima=4412&cd=blog