❀ 𓂃 (2024.02.07)

On 1/31.2/1



a graduation concert for Kobayashi Yui-san was held













I was able to experience a very happy time.







I was able to see Yui-san’s performance up-close during the rehearsal for 3rd Tour,



and even now I still remember the shock that I felt at that time.





In every song, I watched how Yui-san danced, her expressions, and listened to her singing





and it made me hope that I could perform like Yui-san.







There are many things that I respect from her,


not just in terms of performance, but also mentally





As they say, words express who a person is,


and every word that Yui-san uttered was filled with kindness.





In her final speech,




“It’s really okay not to let them hurt you, and you don’t have to get hurt”





When she gave those words to the 3rd generation members, I thought that we were not the only ones saved by Yui-san’s words, but surely many people from around the world as well.






She was a wonderful person to the end.












People are mirrors



I wish that Yui-san could live a happy life surrounded by wonderful people from here on.












(Yui-san’s hands are so beautiful)
















Matono towel












Ten-sama β™‘













Fuyuka-san β™‘







Well then, see you again.

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