
Thank you very much for opening my blog. I’m Sakurazaka46’s Seki Yumiko 🐱









Thank you very much to everyone who came to “COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23”!



It was a day when I how truly great music is.

It filled my heart with so much joy, it was a little too much!










I love this costume!















I don’t have many pictures, so I’ll upload the purikura we took backstage!



And truly thank you very much for 2022!


So many things have happened, but it truly has been a fun year.



I was selected as the title member for Samidare Yo, and was able to experience many things.


It’s a very memorable song for me, and I love it so much that even after I graduate, Samidare is the one song that I still want to participate in (lol).


In the interlude dance, we took turns doing it with the member our position is symmetrical with, and I liked the part where I and Inoue looked at each other in the eyes.



And then the 1st album and Masatsukeisuu.


It has become something that I love so much I could say “That album is my lifetime treasure.”


At first, I was filled with worries about Masatsukeisuu, and I still vividly remember how nervous I was when appearing in the YouTube live stream.


But you praised me a lot in meguri, it made me glad to see how happy you were ☺︎



I got sick in the middle of the year, but I was able to do my best because of all of you who were waiting for me, and I was very relieved when I was able to see all of you again after such a long time ☺︎



Once I start writing it’s difficult for me to stop, so I’ll stop writing here.


I was happy to have been able to make many memories with you and the members this year!

I look forward to seeing you again next year ☺︎




I’m thinking of doing SHOWROOM for the first time in a long while, so please look forward to it!






Then, truly thank you very much for this year!

Let’s meet again next year!

Happy new year ☺︎




Well then, that’s it for today!



Thank you very much for reading until the end!



Seki Yumiko 🐱

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