It’s Airi’s 27th blog~~ 🙂💪🏻🍵 (2023.10.19)



Thank you for opening my blog




I’m Sakurazaka46 third generation’s 18 year old
Taniguchi Airi from Yamaguchi 🐡






It’s the 27th blog from Airi, who tries to wake up at least two hours before the departure time in the morning~~








I’m unable to move if I don’t eat breakfast, so mealtime is a must!





But I sometimesーー also oversleep and wake up just five minutes before the planned departure time.



Well, it turned out fine in the end though~~ 🤭




I wonder how many hours before the scheduled time of departure do people wake up on average 🤔🤔





ーーー Meet & Greet ーーー




The 6th round of application for the online meet & greet will be
Until today at 14:00!



Also, the application for the online meet & greet
I’m paired with Onuma-san for is
Until today at 23:59!




Also also,
The application for the real meet & greet is
Until today at 23:59!



Don’t forget!

I’ll be waiting~!





ーーー 7th Single ーーー




On October 18th
Our 7th single, “Shonin Yokkyu”, was released!



Thank you very much!






The smiley-chan that was attached to my outfit for the jacket shoot ☺




For this single,


I participated in the songs,


“Shonin Yokkyu” and “Mamoribito” which is included in all versions,
“Don’t cut in line!” included in type C,
And “Manhole no futa no ue” included in type D!


I love all the songs, so I’m really grateful!



Please tell me your thoughts~!



Let’s hype up this single more!!






Please watch my individual PV too~




ーーー Sukimakazeyo ーーー




Everyone, have you watch the “Sukimakazeyo” MV,
Which was released the other day~?




It realllllly was so cool, right,,



The throwing the flowers and grasses scattered on the ground softly scene in the first chorus, the finger choreo in the second chorus, them dancing in front of the fire in the last chorus, etc., etc.,,,



It’s full of my favorite parts.




Writing this made me want to watch it again 🤭



Let’s watch it together~




ーーー MUSIC STATION-san ーーー




Tomorrow, we will perform “Shonin Yokkyu” on MUSIC STATION which will be broadcasted at 20:00!


We have a special production for the performance, so please watch itー!








That’s all for today!




Lately, I’ve been working hard for the lessons preparing for Shinzanmono 💪





I think tomorrow the ticket lottery results will be announced?


I’m sending power to you so you’ll win the tickets.









The deadline for the online meet & greet applications is at 14:00!

The deadline for the pair online meet & greet and real meet & greet applications is at 23:59!



This is a style of saying the important things twice.





It’s almost the weekend~!


You’ve worked hard as always!


Eat a delicious soup and take a deep breath~







See you 👋🏻👋🏻

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