Paris (2023.09.06)


Hello everyone
I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Morita Hikaru 🌱




Thank you very much
For the Japan Expo Paris 2023🇫🇷


I was very happy
To meet overseas buddies

It was a very heartwarming experience
since we received love from everyone.


More people than I had imagined came to see our live,
and it was great to see them having a good time^ ^

I was moved by the scenery I saw on the stage!


We were able to go sightseeing🦆
The streets were beautiful and fun to walk around〜

The traffic signals in Paris were cute🚦

Arc de Triomphe!
I was so glad
because I’ve always wanted to see it〜

We were able to see the Eiffel Tower too👀

[T/N: written in English]

I enjoyed shooting videos!

Vlogs and behind-the-scenes Japan Expo videos 
are up on the Sakurazaka channel so please check it out!🎈





It was a great experience!
I hope we can all go there again someday^ ^









Well, that’s all for today.

Thank you for reading until the end!



The end🌱





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