Kojima Nagisa from Sakurazaka46 3rd-gen here.
The 3rd Tour 2023 has been finished successfully!
Thank you very much for those who went to the venues and watched through the streaming services!
The tour started in April.
All the 11 concerts in Tokyo, Aichi, Fukuoka, Kanagawa, Osaka ended in a flash.
There were so many new things I experienced during this tour.
It was overwhelming to see the performance of our seniors up close for the first time. It might seem that their presence around us now is taken for granted, but actually now I’m admiring them even more. It was quite frantic, but I think me and the 3rd gens went through such beautiful days in our life.
Ever since the first day of the tour,
I’ve had this goal to improve in everything.
Dancing, singing, attractiveness, MC,,,
Honestly, I have no idea whether I’ve been improving at those since for the most part it’s hard to know without evaluating them objectively,,
However, I can say for sure that the bond of the 3rd gens as a team has strengthened.
Together, we talked how to create a better show and cooperated with each other. It was really fun to perform with them all, so I will continue to give my very best. I believe that through this tour we are getting stronger.
Spending time with the 3rd gens really brings me happiness.
We, the 3rd-gens, performed the 3rd-gen’s song “Natsu no Chikamichi”
and also “Dead end”, and the “Special version of BAN”.
The first time we heard that we will perform those, it felt more like a shock instead of joy.
I guess there are lots of opinion, be it about the 3rd gens performing on the stage, about us performing “Dead end” which is the song from our seniors, or about us performing the “Special version of BAN” together with our seniors.
But during the actual performance, I simply wanted to continue the legacy that our seniors have made and ensure to get the crowd riled up.
Right after it ended, there was this sense of accomplishment that we were able to deliver such a spectacle, but of course even now there are worries and conflicts in my mind
However, I won’t forgot that sensation of unity with all of you Buddies during the performances. It was such a blissful moment.
Should another chance arise for the 3rd gens to perform, I’ll do my best to make a lot of people accept us, even for just a bit!
It was the very first tour for the 3rd gens.
Personally, I’ve found something important during the tour period. I would like to make the most out of what I’ve learned and reflected on.
I’ll give my best in my activities from now on, such that in one year I can say that I learned many things from this tour! I’m so grateful to every one who played their part in it. Thank you very much.
For all of you who are supporting me…
“I love all of you Buddies~♡”
I believe there are some who couldn’t hear me saying that in the venues or through the streaming☺
Now that I think about it, it was really embarrassing🫣
I would be happy to hear your impressions during Meet & Greet or through the fan letter
Looks like there are some rounds left for the Meet & Greet. In case there are those who cannot make up their mind yet, I want to let you know that I’m always waiting🌸
For those who have promised to come, let’s meet up soon!
📸Looking really happy when together with Miu, ehee
📸With Reina. Posing like a Lady?
I just made it up
🌷About staying over with Rika and Miu🌷
That said, it’s about staying in the same room together with them during the tour
I was together with Rika in Osaka,
and then with Miu in Fukuoka!
I had fun in both occasions.
Even after we laid down in bed, we kept on talking about trivial things. At some point, we fell asleep without saying good night to each other,,,
Thanks to both of them, I was in great condition on the following days👍🏻hehehe
I thought Rika and Miu were not the types who would just talk about anything like me, but on the contrary, they talked a lot and were full of interesting expressions! Getting surprised, laughing, looking sad, getting angry in a cute way…
It might come off as strange coming from me who’s younger than them, but they were so cute like babies.
I hope someday I can show it to you all.
🌷About the very delicious catering we had in Osaka🌷
The group’s official Twitter posted this picture of me and Mio looking at takoyaki, but I did eat a lot of takoyaki back in Osaka🐙
I wonder how many I ate in just 2 days~ lol
Also, it had okonomiyaki for the first time, while surrounded by skewered cutlets, sushi, and meat buns…
There were just too many delicious things that didn’t know what to do,,
All the flour-based foods are the best!!!!!!!
I got carried away and ate too much, that I got laughed at by the members and the managers,, lol
But I should be more careful with eating too much, since I had no concept about summer fatigue~
Given that it was my first time in Osaka, I had no idea which souvenir to get since there were so many things. At the end, together with Itoha I just bought the strawberry milk and went home xD
By the way, Itoha looked so happy while holding a Jagariko (potato based snack)
Riko was there too, but she bought a green looking drink instead of the strawberry milk! Vegetable based drink, maybe? What flavor was it again~? lol
I tasted a sip and it was good~
Well, at the end I was being too indecisive and ended up not buying anything🥲
All Buddies from Osaka, please let me know about things from Osaka that you’d like to recommend👀
🌷The backstage footage of the tour was streamed on Sakura Channel~🌷
It was the video with the thumbnail of me and Ten-sama in ponytails!
By the way, the part when I was doing the announcement with Ten-sama got streamed as well,,,
The part where me and Ten-sama, the LJK duo said
“JK Namenna Yo~” (Don’t mess with high-school girl)
Is a must see
(LJK : Last Joshi Kousei = girl in her final year of high-school)
The video is full of cute stuffs, so for those who haven’t watched it, please check it out👍🏻
Everyone will surely like it!!!!
↓ Access it from here !!!
🌸「The Forbidden Backstage」「3rd Tour 2023」Sakurazaka46 Right Before the Osaka Concert! From rehearsals, to catering, and even make-ups!?
🌷Start over!🌷
The CD jacket designs were published!
We, the 3rd-gens, are featured in the Type-D version!
By the way, I’m the one with ponytail😎
This time, there is another person apart from me who is in ponytail too~
Can you guess who she is~? I’m happy to get more ponytail buddies.
Also, it might look like I was leaning on Riko’s back, but it was just because of how we were positioned. My abs still supported me properly xD
For those who haven’t seen it, go check it. It’s a must!👍🏻
For this single, the common coupling song will be the one performed by the 3rd-gens (as in, the coupling song that will be featured in all CD Types)
It is the 2nd song for the 3rd-gens.
I hope it can be a beautiful song that touches someone’s heart.
The details will come on a later date!
Please look forward to it, and let your imagination fly while waiting!
🌷Recent update🌷
Recently, after 5 or 6 years(?), I started to play video games for real again!
I mean, I did still play occasionally though.
The game is Genshin Impact! I believe many people know about it, but now I’m really into it. I love the beautiful artworks, and the story is also thrilling~
Paimon is cute, isn’t she?🎶 (the mascot character of the game)
The reason why I suddenly started to play it is to reduce the time to eat xD
I am staring to wonder if I had gastroptosis…
I mean, in my free time I always feel hungry for no reason,,
I thought I could forget about it if I got immersed in games instead. It’s like I’m doing it for an entirely wrong reason…
But regarding Genshin Impact, a Youtuber that I like, and also my brother, is playing it, so I always wanted to try it out myself
I don’t usually play games on my smart phone, so now I realized how fast the battery is getting drained~
I should buy a power bank~
I also bought many summer clothes~
I’m not good with buying clothes through online stores. I picked 5 and put them into the cart but forgot to do the transaction! lol
A while back, I was determined to do it and finally bought some summer clothes. I hope they’re arriving soon
It’s already June now, but there are days when it’s hotter than 30 degrees Celsius, and also those with heavy rain,,,
I hope the weather will settle down soon!
I believe it must be hard, especially for people with migraines!
I hope the rainy season will end soon!
Not to mention, the “Shin Sekai” exhibition will be held in summer!!
Let’s overcome the challenges in this month together as well✌️
Let’s call it a bye-bye here for today~
Tomorrow is Airi’s turn~
I said this during the MC in the concert, but Airi is a bit pitiful. The 3rd-gens have a lot of things to say about Airi being pitiful.
I believe if in the future there is a hidden camera recording us in the dressing room, you will find it out right away xD
But that’s also what’s lovely about her!
One of Airi’s charms is the gap between her loveliness and when she was performing☺
Wait, I forgot one last thing,,
In this tour, I successfully did the “KonNagi Challenge” . I’m also grateful that the seniors are now casually calling me KonNagi!
All of you Buddies also shouted KonNagi 11 times in total during the tour😭
Thank you very much.
KonNagi will do her best to be loved even more!
Aa, but I don’t really want the 3rd-gen members to call me that. It’s embarrassing xD
And for the very end…
📸Me having fun at the sea, from BUBKA magazine