Untitled (2023.03.27)

When you can meet with people you can meet with

Leaving a lot of pictures and videos with them




When you look back at it after parting,
that moment comes back in an instant




Even if it seems meaningless
When you look back on it after a long time, they look lovely



When I was in my 3rd year of high school
The reason why I took a picture of my biology quiz



I forgot, but

Looking back on it now, four years later, even that one copy is precious






Please leave lots of memories in spring








While watching the WBC, I remembered that I haven’t posted this one photo yet!



A quick snapshot of when we participated in the baseball game app, “Pro Baseball Spirits” event〜〜


When I said, “I want to take a picture of the 6 of us!” we took oneー*




Since I studied about professional baseball in my own way for Pro Spirits,

I was moved more than ever ⚾️








UniBaru! is also one of the spring memories I hope you will never forget〜✴︎



With the Buddies cheering us on, and being able to perform with our Sesame Street friends, it became a sparkling and dazzling memory 🍪



My first time at Universal was a lot of fun
I want to go backー!




Even during the meet and greet, listening to your thoughts on UniBaru! and your thoughts about the pictures…


It was a pleasure to be able to talk about many other things while looking at your faceー♡

The individual meet and greet went by so fast!!

I will keep what you have told me in mind and continue to do my best

Thank you everyday





Also, the national meet and greet started yesterday✴︎

I was paired with Fuyuka-san!


She always gives me lots of compliments,
And finds a lot of good things and tells me about them*

I love her〜〜🫧




A lot of 3rd gensー!

Taniguchi Airi-chan




Nakashima Yuzuki-chan




Ishimori Rika-chan




Odakura Reina-chan




Matono Mio-chan




Yamashita Shizuki-chan




Murai Yu-chan




Murayama Miu-chan




Mukai Itoha-chan



Once I take a photo with Endo Riko-chan, that’ll be everyoneー♡
So exciting









🤍 The Sakurazaka46 Fan club members limited “2023 desk calendar”

Is available to order 〜✨




The photo and calendar portions are separated so that you can enjoy your favorite combination of members and months!


This is the first calendar in which the 3rd gen also appears*



If you order by 23:59 on April 2 (Sunday), you will receive a sticker with the cover design of your favorite member✨

If you order by 23:59 on April 14 (Friday), it will be delivered in the middle of April〜



Please display the calendar starting in April where you can see it 〜〜📅





🤍 Digital 3D figure avatars of Sakurazaka46 members are now available on Softbank NFTLAB✨


In a real space, the ARSQUARE app can be used to make the members move, talk, and appear anywhere you want through your smartphone camera


Members will be able to use their own avatars in the virtual space that will be opened in the future!




I hope you enjoy this new experience!!






Here is a new advance cut of the photo book, “Hanbun Hikari, Hanbun Kage” 🫧





Thank you for the second SHOWROOM livestream the other day 🧸

I want to do it again〜



The back covers have also been released!
There are too many photos on the blog and due to the file size I can’t post them 🥲




I wanted to include photos with the 3rd gen this time,
So I’ll show you the back covers again sometime*




Please enjoy the photo book’s official Twitter every dayー!






See you〜*


Ozono Rei

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