Thank you very much for opening my blog.
I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation Endo Hikari.
Yesterday, it was announced that 1st generation Koike Minami-san will be graduating with the end of 11th single activities.
Miichan was someone who has gone through the same hiatus situation as I do, a senior who I can share my hardship with, and has always fought alongside me.
I am grateful that she has stayed this long even though there have been times when she is in poor health since her return to activities.
She is a senior who I respect very much.
I’ll make many memories with her until her very last day of activities.
I hope the same to all of you. Please give her lots of love so that you have no regrets.
I love you, Miichan ☺️
Thank you very much for reading my blog today.
I’d be happy if you could read my next blog as well.
Well then~
#光莉ふぁむ (Hikari Fam)
Hikari 🦋
Translator: toomuchidea
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