Thank you very much for opening my blog.
I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member Endo Hikari.
The formation for our 11th Single was announced on the broadcast of “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” the other day.
I will be doing my activities as a BACKS member again this time.
After the SokoSaku broadcast, I expressed my feelings to everyone in Hikari Fam through mobame, but please allow me to write a little about it here as well.
Thank you very much for always giving me your support and love ☺︎
I have so many feelings about it that it always takes me some time to take it all in following the announcement.
Then once some time has passed, after learning that it’ll soon be announced to you all as well, the reality of it begins to sink in and a feeling of helpless wells up inside me.
However, I would like to continue to approach everything in 2025 with sincerity and a positive attitude.
It’s not to stay in the same place forever, but because I hope to share happy feelings with everyone in Hikari Fam as soon as I can,
I want you to see me performing as many songs as possible, on a stage where many people can see me. I want you to cheer me on.
It’s because I feel that way, that’s why..
Of course, I do feel a sense of urgency with all of this.
But I’d like to proceed steadily, one step at a time.
While also doing so at a quick pace.
I won’t give up until I can share feelings of joy with everyone in Hikari Fam.
I want to see more happy expressions from everyone in the Family.
I want to be someone that can give people the hope that “Maybe this is it, she’ll finally…!” every time formation is announced.
I want to become someone that’s able to make that happen.
I’ll need lots, and lots, of everyone’s help.
Please continue to give me your support in the 11th Single as well.
The 2nd round of the 11th Single meet & greet applications will start at 14:00~ PM JST today.
Let’s talk about anything!
It can be about fun conversations, your thoughts on concerts, those who are doing their best with the same feelings or those who are cheering for me.
We can talk about our thoughts on the 11th single songs too.
I’ll be waiting ☺️
🦋 2nd round of application 🦋
From Wednesday, 22nd January 2025 14:00 PM~ JST
Until tomorrow, 23rd January 2025 14:00 PM~ JST ⚠️
⇩ Link below ⇩
Thank you very much for reading my blog today.
I’d be happy if you could read my next blog as well.
Well then.
#光莉ふぁむ (Hikari Fam)
Hikari 🦋
Translator: toomuchidea
Original Blog Link: