#207. A blog that I hope can be read by those who have never went to my miiguri before 🖐️✨ (2025.01.29)

Thank you very much for opening this blog.

I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Endo Hikari.






Tthe third round of application for miiguri have started from 14 PM JST~ today ☺︎



The deadline is tomorrow, 30th January at 14 PM JST!


I was told the 1st block of the first day is sold out on the 2nd round of application!
Truly, thank you very much!!
I’m really happy ☺️


Just at the title suggest, I’m writing this blog for those who have never been to my miiguri before, for those who doesn’t know what to talk about 📝


I will link previous blog that mention things I have written about before, so please do check that one as well~




What kind of impression do you have of me?


Do I seem quiet?
Perhaps difficult to talk to?
Or maybe that I don’t seem like someone you can have a conversation with?


But the truth is, I’m really good with one-on-one conversation at miiguri, even with those who are visiting for the first time,
and I myself am good at remembering the faces and names of the fans, so I’m confident that we can become really close in a day!


I often received questions like
“I might not be able to say anything…” or
“I don’t know what to talk about…” or
“My oshi is someone else, so I wonder if it’d be rude to show up with their towel and such on display…”


but I don’t mind at all, and it might even make conversation even more lively, so why not give it a try??


I’ll be waiting!




Once again, let me talk about my recent favorite things


🦋 Movies 🦋
(The ones I watched from December 2023 until December 2024)

・Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-
・Boku ga Ikiteru, Futatsu no Sekai
・Natsume Arata no Kekkon
・Blue Period
・Henna Ie
・Yoake no Subete
・Kaibutsu no Kikori
・Mystery to Iunakare


I love suspense horror movies, but I also watch a variety of other genres, such as the ones that show relationships between people and Disney 👀✨



🦋 Movies that you can watch in streaming platforms 🦋

・The Princess Diaries
・The Princess Diaries 2
・High School Musical series
・I watched The Descendants from the first to fourth movie!
⬆️ I watched and loved the live action version of these two too!


I watched so many Disney+ shows that I can’t introduce them all here, but if you do, then let’s talk about them~!


Other than that,

・The Devil Wears Prada
・The Intern
・Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
・Step Up 3D
(The Step Up series that I started watching from 3 is also filled with memories of when I was competing in world dance championships when I was in elementary and middle school!)
・Ocean’s 8



🦋 Drama Series 🦋
I haven’t been able to watch one recently, so these are the series that I particularly love and still watch even now.

(Especially episode 7, the story particularly struck close to me who was still in high school, and left a strong impact as I happened to had a similar experience)

・Solo Katsu Joshi no Susume
・Setoutsumi (Drama version)
・Shrink: Seishinkai Yowai
・The Confidence Man JP


🦋 Anime 🦋
・Runway de Waratte
・Kageki Shoujo!! (A show based on theatre troupe!)
・Dance Dance Danseur


🦋 Manga 🦋
・Blue Period
・Runway de Waratte
・Mental Tsuyome Bijo Shirakawa-san
and others…

When it comes to manga, I don’t sway much and read the same series over and over again!



🦋 Hobbies 🦋
・Watching Takarazuka
・Going to watch dance performances or competitions for hip hop and the like
・Watching movies
・Drawing at home
・Wearing kimono
・Capturing the amazingness of Sakurazaka46’s costumes in pictures.

Some of it overlapped with the one I wrote about before, but these are what I’m liking lately!


By all means, please do give my previous blog a look too!




Clothes that I wear for miiguri 👗


I always have a lot of fun thinking about what to wear for miiguri!

I decide on them in advance while thinking on what kind of clothes will make everyone happy ~ ☺️

Please look forward to this single as well!


#207. A blog that I hope can be read by those who have never went to my miiguri before 🖐️✨ (2025.01.29)

I usually dress up like this for miiguri!




Thank you very much for reading my blog today.

I’d be happy if you could read my next blog as well.

Well then.


#光莉ふぁむ (Hikari Fam)
#光莉のふく(Hikari’s outfit)


Hikari 🦋

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