Autumn colors (2023.09.03)

Good morning~



TGC 2023 A/W 🍁🍂🤎

Autumn colors (2023.09.03)



I had the opportunity to walk in the
stage of the “an another angelus” brand 🎠🌷



My makeup and the clothes were completely autumn style,
I was so excited ( ◜ᴗ◝)



Together with Toshi-san, before and after being on the runway 🧸💘



Toshi-san who is always kind to me.

I felt relieved that she was close by.


I was happy we were on the same stage.




(I shared many photos)





I also found lots of Buddies~.

It made me so happy 💐
Thank you very much!





Although the days continue to be hot,|
recently the opportunities to experience the taste of autumn
have increased as well~.


There are many things that are limited to the season,
so have you tried eating anything yet~?

Or perhaps something that
you’re planning to eat?


If you have any recommendations, please let me know ^. .^ ੭





Well then,
today is the last Meet & greet session for “Start over!”
and we also have the autograph session.


It was a period full of gratitude.

And I hope it comes to an end in a wonderful way.

I’ll be waiting 🌈‪‪☺︎



See you!
Sakurazaka46 Tamura Hono

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