“Graduation” (2024.09.17)

The release of Sakurazaka46’s 10th single has been announced!

The reason we are able to release a new single in such a short span of time,
is thanks to the Buddies who have been cheering and waiting for us every day.

Truly, thank you very much!



And I, Saito Fuyuka, will be graduating from Sakurazaka46 with this 10th single.


First of all, if I am to speak honestly about how I feel right now


I feel very grateful that I have been able

to do what I love in a place that I love

for such a long time like this.


There were many occasions on which the idea of graduation appeared in my mind,

such as when Keyakizaka46, the group that I loved and cherished so much that I thought I would put my life on the line for it, was to be renamed,

and since becoming Sakurazaka46, when I saw my juniors shining ever so brightly and powerfully.


Those were not negative thoughts,

but rather considerations when I thought about the group’s future and my own future.


But, I just simply love those moments when I am on stage

That if I was on stage, I might not have any regrets even if my life were to end there

That if I was performing at a concert, I might not care if the planet were to be destroyed there

I loved being on stage and performing so much that I seriously felt that way.


With just this simple “love”,

I have been able to stay here for nine years.


For those who were glad
that I have been able to continue to do what I love,

there were also those who were worried that I was pushing myself too hard,
as they witnessed how the group changed with time.


I myself have had many mixed feelings within

As there are times when I feel truly blessed,

to be a part of such a wonderful group

But also times when I feel down,

wishing I could perform more, but knowing it can’t be helped considering the situation

And times when I think,

“I’ve experienced as much as I’ll ever experience,
perhaps choosing to graduate would be better for my juniors”

But there are also times when my ego comes out and I think,

“I really love to do concerts, and I still want to perform with the members a little bit more…”




When I come to “love” something, I’d study it thoroughly until I feel satisfied

My mind will be filled with nothing but that

In any case, I am weak toward my own “love”


If you ask me whether I was suited for the job of “an idol”,

I might not have been,

but I think I loved it.


I have never once found it getting tiring or painful,

that I thought of quitting.


So I thought,

that when the time comes for me to graduate, it’s probably when I’ve found something that can surpass this “love”.


It took me a bit longer than my genmates,

but I have found something else that I “love” just as much as Sakurazaka46.


It is thanks to Sakurazaka46 I was able to discover this “love”, and turn that feeling into conviction.



From now on, I’d like to walk down a path with another thing I “love” that is different from Sakurazaka46.


In my remaining activities,

I would like to express my feelings of gratitude

to the group and staff members who have taken care of me

and my beloved fellow members.


And I’d like to spend my time full of smiles with Buddies until the end.

Because I love the Buddies who love the members and look at them with sparkling eyes 🥰


I am truly proud

that I was able to work as part of such a wonderful group,

and that I was able to meet these members whom I respect so much as individuals.


Please allow me to be a part of such an amazing group for a little longer!

Thank you very much.



And finally, to all Fuu oshis ☺️

Thank you for liking what I “love” that I have shown to you until now.

Thank you for acknowledging it.

Thank you for complimenting it.

Those of you in my life whom I love very, very much.

Let’s be happy together until the end ☘️

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