This is Inoue Rina from Sakurazaka46.
I’m sorry that I posted the same image twice on my previous blog. 😅
Actually I wanted to post another picture, but oh well…
It is not my (20th) birthday yet, but on the [20 SWEET 2021JANUARY], I am featured in the “coming of age” article.
(she wrote “I’m welcoming my adulthood”, but somewhat it sounded weird… Hehe)
From Sakurazaka46, there are also Harada Aoi-san and Oozono Rei-chan!
We talked that it will be great to have a coming of age party! I hope we can have it sometime soon!
I will turn 20 in just around a month!
Later on close to my birthday, I will write about my hopes and dreams as a 20 years-old.
I got to wear this beautiful red Furisode! (long-sleeved kimono)
I always wanted to wear a red one!
I’m really happy about it~

I wish I can be an elegant lady, wearing such a cool looking boots to walk around the city~
I’ll be glad if you can look at the more mature side of me!
I would be glad if you have it with you. (Please buy it >_<)
Well then, that’s about it for today.
Bye-bye 🦒
Inoue Rina