INORI BLOG (2021.01.17)

This is Inoue Rina from Sakurazaka46.



Several days ago, Matsudaira Riko’s graduation has been announced.



I’m really really sad about it.



When a girl from the same generation is graduating, I want to see her off with a smile, saying “Take care!” and “Congratulations!”.


However, the sadness won me over, that I ended up saying “I’m really sad. Please don’t graduate,” to Riko.


I feel that I want to keep on working together with her for a longer time.


Having someone from my generation graduates…
While I did think “That’s too early”, in the end what matter is not the timing but the strong will from the person herself.

Riko said that “From now on, I will be the number one fan of you all!”.


I’m fully supporting Riko’s decision.



It’s not like we won’t see each other again after she graduated, but I want to treasure the remaining time we have together (as fellow members), and hope that I can say “Congratulations!” and “Take care!” at the very end.












Well then, that will be all for today.



Thank you for reading up until the end.



Bye-bye πŸ¦’


Inoue Rina


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