Last night, “Boku no Dilemma” was broadcasted for the first time on NHK’s “Venue101!”
I truly appreciate this momentous first broadcast and the opportunity to perform with all the members. Thank you.
And thank you to all the Buddies that watched it in real time☺️🤍
We made a heart too but my face was twitching, so I’ll send it on mobame🥹 It’s cute~
Welcome back Niki!!💙
Takoyaki party🐙
I wonder how many more times I’ll be able to take this picture~ㅠㅠLately every day has been fun but sad at the same time
I was left waiting sooooo long for my turn to take a picture with Risa 🤳 lolol
It was great hearing all your thoughts on the performance today during meet & greet!
There are parts of the performance that were changed between this version and the full version, so I hope you notice them🫶🏻
Once again, today was the first day for the 4th single’s meet & greet🥰
Thank you to everyone who came to see me.
And thank you to everyone who I was meeting for the first time…🙏🏻
See you again next week💛
Saito Fuyuka
Translator: fuyupz
Original Blog Link: