☺︎‬ (2024.05.13)

Good evening


It has been a while.


I have something to tell everyone today
through this blog I have written.


For about the half a year that I have been on hiatus,
I have been feeling anxiety every day.


Things that I would normally be able to do
suddenly became impossible,
I felt uneasy about the future
and days when it felt unbearable to live would continue


When I looked at Sakurazaka from the outside
My current condition felt all the more daunting, severe,
And I felt that perhaps
I may not be able to return to Sakurazaka again


But many times, when I was watching Sakurazaka’s lives,
I heard the words,
“Sakurazaka does not leave anyone behind”
from the members during their MC.


I truly felt those words every day
during the time I was active in the group,
And having received the support of lots of members too
from when I took my leave of absence until now,
I felt those words hit home once again


And through the message application
In reading the letters I received from everyone
I started to feel more positive,
That I would do my best slowly so I can return.


The staff also regularly contacted me,
and talked to me in person as well,
Everyone from Team Sakurazaka is truly so warm
that there wasn’t a moment I felt alone.


Recently, I have been feeling much better.
Little by little,
I was able to do more and more again.


The thought grew stronger and stronger
That while taking it easy
I want to do my best again, with Sakurazaka


After discussions with the staff,
It has been decided that I will be resuming my activities
with the start of the 9th single.


While I am feeling better,
A part of me still feels uneasy
So there may be times when I will need to take it slowly and steadily.


There may be times when I will need to borrow your strength too.


But I will do the very best that I can right now.


Once again, as a member of Sakurazaka
I will be doing my best
So from the bottom of my heart, please lend me your support.


Little by little
I hope to make fun memories with everyone again‪‪☺︎‬


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