Thank you to
those who came to the venue,
those who watched through the stream
of Sakurazaka46’s 1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE ☺️
I am happy to have successfully celebrated Sakurazaka’s first anniversary,
and more than anything, I would like to thank everyone who supports me every day
for making this year possible. 😌
I hope that 2022 will be the same, enjoying spending time with all of you 🌸
And, Akane and Pe-chan, congratulations on your graduation♡
The 2 of them wore really pretty and cute dresses,
I am sincerely glad I can send them off properly!!
I was really happy that we are able to perform AoMarry songs after a long time 🕊
The embroidery added by the dressmaker
in Yuuka and my shirts,
It matches the decorations in Akane and Pe-chan’s dresses☺️
I will be writing again, please wait for me 😌
See you~
Watanabe Risa
Translator: shirobear18
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/42366?ima=0017&cd=blog