6th January (2024.01.06)

To everyone affected by Noto Peninsula’s earthquake.


I would like to express my deepest sympathies for the great damage you have suffered.


I’m aware that you are living in a state of anxiety day by day.


I sincerely hope for the earliest possible recovery and that the day when everyone can live in peace will come as soon as possible.


















Happy New Year!



I’m Matono Mio



Last year, thanks to your support

I was able to make many dreams come true…

it was really such a really happy year!



I think that there will be many challenges waiting for us this year, but as long as the Buddies are with us!!!

I believe we can overcome anything



I hope that 2024 will be a very wonderful year for all of you


And I’d like to put in even more effort

so that both us and all of you could be happy,

so that we could open up a new page together



Please continue to give us your continued support this year as well!!!


I hope to bring many smiles to you again this year! ^^
















And today, 6th January,

happened to be a year since my reveal!



This world that I jumped into with uncertainty

is more fun than I thought it would be,

more exciting than I thought it would be,

but also more painful at times than I thought it would be



I thought that there would be many people who could not accept Matono Mio as a Sakurazaka46 3rd generation member.



After the reveal, for a while, I wondered a lot

whether this is the right thing to do



But the many cheers I received from Buddies


warmly embraced and supported me

as I took a new step forward


Truly, thank you very much.




The days that I spend with all of you are a treasure that I treasure very much



I will continue to give it my best to deliver a performance

that meets everyone’s expectations and even exceeds that



I would like to create many memories with all of you Buddies




Please take care of me in my second year as well!!!!

















Speaking of which, I welcomed a new Winnie the Pooh doll!






Shooo kyuuuuuttt 🥺🥺💕💕💕


Pats pats 🥰😭🧸












Sky doodles








It’s said that clouds look different depending on the person looking at them

It can look like an animal or the shape of an object

Huhh~ I wonder if it depends on the imagination of the person looking? 😎

It sure is amazing







Thank you very much for reading this far!



See ya

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