Double-layered (2023.02.20)

Good morning





Yesterday we had meet & greet sessions

Thank you so much!


Double-layered (2023.02.20)






I was happy to meet everyone after such a long time~.



After talking to everyone,

I realized that

a period of half a year or more

without meet & greet sessions

was very heavy 😌






Also, those who came after the tour

and those who gathered courage at this timing

to come and meet me,


I met a lot of new people,

and I’m full of gratitude for forming such wonderful relationships.

















I tried a lot of things






I got an eye stye,

it got so red and swollen

that it looked like eye-shadow


I’m sorry for making everyone worry~



When I woke up this morning

it was a little bit better ✌︎



Maybe it was thanks to the Buddies 😞 thank you!








And today I am going to Hokkaido with Ten-chan

Thank you for having us~~




This is my second time going to Hokkaido

since the photo book shooting ❄️



I am happy to go there with Ten-chan β˜ΊοΈβ˜ƒοΈ




I will have some

radio appearances too ( β—œβ—‘β— )

Please check it out in my previous blog




I will enjoy while doing my best too~!










See you!

Sakurazaka46 Tamura Hono

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